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StraightFroggin t1_iy5tyiv wrote

Guess who owns Reddit. Guess why it has “upvote/downvote” mechanics. Add thousands of bots, shift the public opinion. Ever noticed the way Reddit praises communism?


FakeKoala13 t1_iy5x7ee wrote

Brother you can literally google how much shares tencent owns in reddit. It's not a lot.


billybobbaconator t1_iy86k8y wrote

The Gulf states’ sovereign wealth funds own a higher percentage of Reddit anyway


Versificator t1_iy6ddpi wrote

Imagine talking about "reddit" like a monolith.

Also, a better world is possible.


SexyOldHobo t1_iy65nr9 wrote

Hey bud, I’m one of those communists. We like upvoting, it’s solidarity


HermanCainsPenis t1_iy6bchy wrote

>Ever noticed the way Reddit praises communism

No I have not noticed lol, link an example?