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rchart1010 t1_iuwnuly wrote

Perhaps. I still would make sure to verify everything he had to say and I would assume he is sharing information with the other side and working to destroy evidence if he can.

He, IMO, is just as likely to make up information and publicly release it to "prove" that the justice department did something wrong and hope he can scare and bully them into not having him comply at all.

Even the logic that applies to shitty humans doesn't seem to apply to him.


Lucky-Load2637 t1_iuwpa2m wrote

Oh I absolutely see him trying that. But lying to the DoJ isn't like lying to the press. There are real consequences to it. And there's no way they'll ask him anything they don't already have the answer to.


rchart1010 t1_iuwxh9i wrote

He is the type who would just try to take down the DoJ if he got caught lying. There just aren't any scruples, any rules with him. I dont like to throw around diagnoses lightly but I think he is likely a sociopath.

And I'd bet good money that he is working behind the scenes on everything they ask him about to destroy or fabricate evidence. I'm sure the DOJ lawyers are savvy, I just think this guy is a special kind of evil.


AgreeableFeed9995 t1_iux6z4h wrote

Wouldn’t that violate the terms of his immunity? The only way he could do that is admitting to falsifying evidence and perjury after the fact. He’d be fucked


rchart1010 t1_iux7lyp wrote

>Wouldn’t that violate the terms of his immunity?

Probably and for an average, normal human you'd consider that jail or imprisonment would be a consequence. I dont think he is the type to think that way. Rather I think he is the type to try to fabricate or destroy evidence, publicly make false statements to undermine DOJ trust and activate the trump crazies to enact some violence in response to whatever lies he makes up..


FiveUpsideDown t1_iuzf3ce wrote

Unless Trump or DeSantis wins the presidency and then Kash Patel will be pardoned.