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thought_first t1_iya31z4 wrote

There is a process for Ukrainian refugees coming in the US.

In the past we have allowed in refugees during regime changes in allied nations but I don't recall a time where the US let in citizens from the aggressor nation.


Relevant_Departure40 t1_iya7986 wrote

>I don't recall a time where the US let in citizens from the aggressor nation.

I looked it up bc I was bored and what else are you gonna do on a Tuesday night, and we actually did take in some amount of German refugees during WW2 with the caveat that they must have already escaped Nazi territory, so not directly from Germany, but probably the closest you'll find


rosesandpiglets t1_iyag7ga wrote

But somehow turned away a boatload of Jewish folks…


Usman5432 t1_iyarvdx wrote

Antisemitism was all the rage even in the US and the allied nations they didnt care about the rumors they were hearing regarding the genocide and even if they had proof of it they'd have minded their own business [like they did with Stalin's genocide], heck for a time theyre were talks of allying with Hitler against the communists but then he allied with them and invaded Poland and that plan died


Relevant_Departure40 t1_iybpq4f wrote

Admittedly a large population of the German refugees were Jewish, and iirc, prior to the Allies liberating Auschwitz, most of America didn't know about the death camps. Hitler probably (correctly) assumed that if he openly said he was committing genocide, it would have gone much worse for him. We didn't really know what he was doing until it was far too late


subtlecastle t1_iyabs3d wrote

We also brought in a ton of high ranking nazi scientists after the war who helped us with our space/nuclear program. Seems like these folks would be more culpable than some fleeing Russian civilians, no?


120z8t t1_iyaej1h wrote

Hell a bunch of Nazi POWs that were held in the US and Canada during the war got deported back to Germany after the war and turned right around and came back to the US and Canada.

Granted these were low level soldiers who claim not to be part of the NAZI party.


nobody_smart t1_iyaoi5p wrote

Including my Great-Uncle Carl.

Who was actually a second cousin of my great grandmother. At the end of the war, he was shipped from POW camp to Arkansas to work on the family's farms. He married a local girl, got his citizenship and never went back to Germany.


PPQue6 t1_iyalc1d wrote

Yeah just walk into NASA sometime and yell "Heil Hitler!" WOOP! They all jump straight up!


No_Blueberry1122 t1_iyb0yqj wrote

And afterwards with the caveat that they build rockets alongside Werner Von Braun, who, I assume didn't develop the V2 while simultaneously escaping Nazi territory...


cbeiser t1_iyblmtj wrote

That's my grandpa! He went to Cuba and then USA.


5kyl3r t1_iyc50pf wrote

they require a sponsor here in the states (for ukrainian refugees)