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evert198201 t1_iv0vxoj wrote

Yeh and meanwhile blaming 'the west' for CO2 emissions... Legit question, does India has any climate goals ?


Friendofthegarden t1_iv0ztnb wrote

>Yeh and meanwhile blaming 'the west' for CO2 emissions

Only Modi/his ilk and he's a nutball. He's India's equivalent of Trump. Hates democracy, runs on a cult of personality, blames everything on everyone else.

>Legit question, does India has any climate goals ?

Actually... yes. The National Actio Plan for Climate Change. But with people like Modi in charge, they're likely not to give a fuck.


YourDailyDevil t1_iv1627e wrote

Just to clarify, 'his ilk' is an absolutely massive, massive, massive number of people, each capable of online misinformation and wonton ultra-nationalism.


theshicksinator t1_iv169jh wrote

Not to be that guy but it's wanton, wonton is the type of fried wrapper in Chinese food.


secretbudgie t1_iv191i3 wrote

Please be that guy. This wanton misuse of wonton is making me so hungry!


lilaprilshowers t1_iv1d76h wrote

Funny enough, if he'd died/retired before 2016, he'd probably be remembered as one of India's greatest leaders. Country saw a lot of development under his regin, but lately he's thrown out India's founding fathers' vision of a pan-religious, pan-racial society in favor of a Hindu ethno-state.


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv5fmd4 wrote

Also, your original comment is also wrong.. indian governments position regarding western emissions has been the same even before modi.. so you tangent about modi/his ilk doesn't make any sense.


Friendofthegarden t1_iv5h03q wrote

>indian governments position regarding western emissions has been the same even before modi.

Never said otherwise. Pull you tongue out of Modi's asshole


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv5ipvs wrote

That's exactly what your original comment says.. "blaming west, ... Only modi/his ilk'.

I mean atleast read it before freaking out lol.


Friendofthegarden t1_iv5j004 wrote

His ilk. Do you know what ilk means? Others like him


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv5qi3r wrote

And that contradicts the fact that any other party in power in india would take the same position... So, not his ilk.


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv4vc4a wrote

Calling Modi India's equivalent of Trump is pretty stupid.. Trump comes nowhere close to Modi's popularity. Both are right wing but both come from very different backgrounds and both have very different government policies. Trump was an aberration in US politics. Modi has defined 2 decades(2014-2029) for india.

Modi is more in line with India's Shinzo Abe(except for the nepotism). Both have links with ideological right wing groups. Both stabilised the previous coalition kinda governments. And both focus on infra, international relations, social safety nets etc.


Friendofthegarden t1_iv5eczt wrote

Does modi run on a cult of personality, hate democracy and can't take blame?


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv5fee6 wrote

Cult of personality?to a certain section yes.. but he runs on specific issues(Gujarat model in 2014, Pakistan in 2019, CAA in Bengal).. and consolidating OBC,SC voters in most states. A more apt cult of personality example in indian context would be balasaheb Thackeray..

Who said he hates democracy? BJP is an election juggernaut.. those guys fight elections even where there's zero chances of BJP winning.

Can't take blame?? As opposed to which honest politician? Convincing voters how something isn't their fault is what politicians do..


Arnorien16S t1_iv136g2 wrote

This is from stubble burning from autumn harvest. No one blames the west for that and will remain a problem until farmers start listening.


Tdavis13245 t1_iv1epzy wrote

I'd slow down on whatever thought process you're having. The West is only too happy to export their pollution and industry to countries like this to deflection blame. Look at how many products the west buys from these places, and how much literal trash they ship to just dump it legally


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_iv10sec wrote

India is industrializing. This is kind of the natural progression of industrialization. Historically it takes a generation or two of a population living through the shit before they simultaneously realize how bad it is AND have the resources and institutional knowledge to implement and manage higher levels of tech to mitigate It

Look at the US. It took us accidentally lighting the Cuyahoga River on fire before voters all agreed “okay I guess we need some kind of environmental agency” and then it took another twenty years before we started to get sulfur emissions and smog under control

Personally, I expect the wealthy developed world to do a lot more legwork cleaning things up, especially because our wealth largely comes from polluting the hardest the last century(and we are still polluting at higher per capita rates). If that means going into India and building them cleaner factories ourselves, that’s a better investment than just waiting for war to break out as ecosystems collapse. Unfortunately it seems most our species prefer the latter


evert198201 t1_iv13zfg wrote

Yes I agree, I actually believe that countries that thrived on the backs of other countries should participate in their climate change investments, as climate is effecting us all and these countries have the resources to help out others...


peanut__buttah t1_iv388yg wrote

In theory, absolutely. But looking even just at the US, we can’t even get our leaders on board to aid environmentalism in our own country, let alone to “a bunch of brown people overseas” (you can hear the Fox News headline already).


WexfordHo t1_iv185k0 wrote

See, I understand hoping for that, but if you really expect that to happen… oof, you are in for a brutal wake-up call.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_iv1dxgb wrote

Hence my last sentence. I expect humanity to survive global warming, but I’m expecting levels of death and suffering not experienced for centuries. Think Bubonic Plague or Manifest Destiny levels of collapse where entire continents are heavily depopulated. For an allegedly intelligent species we’re collectively pretty dumb


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iv15aw4 wrote

"The west" produces emissions-per-capita that far exceed India's.


WexfordHo t1_iv187xo wrote

The West is a whole sphere of influence, India is one country, I’m not surprised.


[deleted] t1_iv1aig1 wrote

"the west" and India have similar population numbers.

People underestimate how massive India and China both are.


[deleted] t1_iv1woui wrote



WexfordHo t1_iv1x0zy wrote

It’s almost as though low contributions from 1.4 billion people adds up! Especially when those contributions are steadily rising, with no end in sight, as though people scrabble for a lifestyle that more closely resembles a Western one, in terms of consumption.

And guess what, yelling, “It’s per capita” at the sky as it falls? Changes nothing.


[deleted] t1_iv1zf8f wrote



WexfordHo t1_iv1zw05 wrote

Well good news, I have a source.

China — 11680.42 United States — 4535.30 India — 2411.73

Top three all time.

Now lets look at the trend lines.

Oh look, India’s trend line is straight up, but Europe and North America’s is plummeting. People need to stop playing bullshit nationalist games with this, or fudging the overall numbers.


[deleted] t1_iv20vnj wrote



WexfordHo t1_iv2409a wrote

You forgot the 2, and you’re arguing in some of the worst bad faith I’ve seen in a while.


BrownMan65 t1_iv1t8y7 wrote

>Yeh and meanwhile blaming 'the west' for CO2 emissions

The US alone makes up for 25% of the CO2 emissions over the last century. In comparison, China with a population of 1.4 billion people makes up 11%. India with a population of 1.3 billion is less than that. Europe as a whole has a smaller population than both China and India and makes up 20% of CO2 emissions.

On top of this, during that century while the US and Europe were polluting our atmosphere, they were also able to develop to the point that they are at today. China and India did not have that luxury and are now playing catch up. Additionally, they're doing it with a lower per capita emission rate than the US even today.


Badshah-e-Librondu t1_iv5415r wrote

Both can be true at the same time, also CO2 doesnt cause smog. India is blaming the west for dumping CO2 in the atmosphere.


zumbadumbadumdum t1_iv4vfgq wrote

West is rightfully being called out for industrializing without any accountability. Delhi Smog problem is more related to geography and stubble burning. For example, Mumbai & Bengaluru both have similar levels of emissions as Delhi but don't experience this problem.


Different-General-23 t1_ivbmi1i wrote

Developing nations are completely correct to blame the west. We are in the current climate predicament not because of _this year's_ emissions but because of the accumulated effects of emissions since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Yes - this year's emissions are adding to the problem. We are here, though, because of the emissions that were put out while the west built itself to its current state of development. Many developing nations see demands like yours as the west pulling up the ladder behind them.