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azurleaf t1_iyd2r2u wrote

Elon is going up againts people who actually know how to do their jobs. An executive at her level knows exactly the process needed to fire someone in her country, and probably laughed at such a non-compliant 'CC-All, Pls respond to keep ur job' email from an American.


tryingtodefendhim t1_iyd7id3 wrote

Googled his nationality: American / South African / Canadian


Japboix1 t1_iyd9720 wrote

He obtained citizenship through his mother and only lived here for two years (according to Wikipedia). There are literally thousands of people on Permanent Residencies more Canadian than him.


EffOffReddit t1_iydch1y wrote

He lied about his degree to stay in the US, should have his naturalization revoked since he got it on false pretenses. I'd love to see him deported.


Traksimuss t1_iydmzkx wrote

He drank Tim Hortons once and watched hockey game, so that makes him Canadian.


ThatGuy98_ OP t1_iyd4cai wrote

See my reply to the person you replied to about her career thus far.