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pegothejerk t1_iv1erqn wrote

> The man, whose identity was not immediately released, was questioned by law enforcement and told agents he had been bullied in the past and harbored anger toward Jewish people, the official said.

Which state is Kanye in currently?


Banana_Rama_Pajama t1_iv1kvkd wrote

“I’ve been bullied”

Bitch, me too but I’m not running around scaring groups of older white women with ugly eyebrows


mage-rouge t1_iv1oc5o wrote

>The man...told agents he had been bullied in the past and harbored anger toward Jewish people

How much you wanna bet he's referring to menorah decorations?


CaptainJackVernaise t1_iv1vn1n wrote

I was constantly bullied by the Evangelical Southern Baptists I went to high school with in South Carolina. I harbor a great deal of resentment, but I have never made threats of violence against anybody that is directly or tangentially associated with the Church.

I'm sorry he was bullied, but he can fuck right off with that bullshit victim mentality.


dupont2021 t1_iv24hpz wrote

He did apologize late last night.

It was reported everywhere in the sporting world.

Since he did apologize I don't see mainstream media reporting about it besides sports networks.


Chippopotanuse t1_iv24s9d wrote

True story, when I was in second grade they had some “international food day”.

I was a typical rich suburban Massachusetts kid, which means I had no clue about anything other than my own life.

Anyways, a Jewish kid brought in the potato pancakes and applesauce. And it was the greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.

I have loved Jewish people ever since.

So for my entire life, I have never understood people who just are anti-Semitic or hate Jewish people. They clearly haven’t tried the food or dated the women. And I strongly suggest they do. 10/10 they will become fans.


nomofica t1_iv26oij wrote

He apologized only after he was suspended.

And he was only suspended because he failed to apologize and walk back his previous statements twice.

Next you'll tell me he donated 500K to the ADL, but leave out the part where his donation was rejected because the ADL rightfully saw it as a piss poor attempt to buy his way out of being accountable for his words.


mces97 t1_iv26yz2 wrote

That's not an apology. That's a shit, I'm losing money back talk statement.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" - Maya Angelou.


ATNinja t1_iv2ak53 wrote

Probably lent money to a jewish guy who refused to pay him back and instead gambled it on a complex parlay that Kevin garnet would have a great game because kg posessed a seemingly magical gemstone


WirelessBCupSupport t1_iv2bpog wrote

Don't have to be their ethnic to enjoy their ethnic foods!

We grew up with potato pancakes, and best with sour cream and salt. Applesauce on the side. Also things called pierogis. Some stuffed with sauerkraut and mushrooms. And then smoked kielbasa with some horserasdish dip.

Funny, being of European descent, I find Asian food, Indian food, and now, Spanish foods to have a wonderful selection of spices that are missing from most foods I grew up with.


carlitospig t1_iv2fsxk wrote

I’ve literally known zero Jews that bullied other people, it’s always been the other way around.


carlitospig t1_iv2g0ec wrote

Hey man, that ish hurts when you’re barefoot and walking to the kitchen for a glass of water in the middle of the night. Of COURSE it’s enough to decide to threaten an entire religion. Feets are sensitive!


carlitospig t1_iv2g7ap wrote

Isn’t this the case for a lot of racist excuses? ‘They bullied me’. ‘No, I asked if you were waiting in line and you decided to leave the line.’ ‘Well, I never got my coffee! That’s on you!’


Gandydancer t1_iv2ogkz wrote

I can’t say I’d be too shocked if I found out that the word “investigation” somewhere in the FBI’s initialism …but I’d have no clue as to where to look.


Junior_Builder_4340 t1_iv2olpx wrote

I remember in high school our theater director/teacher made latkes for us, and it was the first and only time I had had them (this was the South in the 70s), until I got to grad school. She was wonderful. Rest in Power, Ruth.🥲


needabiggerhammer t1_iv2qai1 wrote

>brought in the potato pancakes and applesauce

Latkes if you didn't know the name if you ever wanted to look up recipes. Really easy to make. Shredded potato, egg, onion (powder works fine, but fresh is better IMO) and fry 'em up in a pan.

Also good with sour cream.

P.S. If you liked latkes, try kugel. It's a noodle dish.


PointlessGiant t1_iv2t10c wrote

You people are fucking insane. These two things have nothing to do with each other, aside from shitdick anti-semites and the people, like you, defending them. His apology is worthless.


dupont2021 t1_iv2tsn4 wrote

I'm not here to defend him and never did.

Also, I'm not here to speculate this and that.

I just said he apologized late last night and I don't see mainstream media except sports networks reporting his apology. This is the facts. Just letting people know he did apologize before people keep saying he didn't.


Oneiroi_zZ t1_iv2vwkq wrote

Someone probably told him 'happy holidays' instead of 'merry christmas' when he was out* shopping


PointlessGiant t1_iv2ybd5 wrote

I literally just read an article from AP News with two other articles about his "apology" featured below (the apology which only came after they suspended him, despite their efforts to get him to publicly apologize before). "This is the facts," my ass.

What does Irving even have to do with this? You know he's not gonna, like, fuck you or hang out with you for sticking up for him, right?


noodlyarms t1_iv32rkz wrote

Silly man, he should just declare he's running as a republican in a local or national election and he'd get a nod and a handshake and be told best of luck on his campaign. No consequences, and in fact would help with endorsements.


confusedham t1_iv34t19 wrote

We have a surprisingly large (but small really) Jewish community in australia. Only like 100 000 people.

Nobody really has interactions with them so I can only assume the everyday person is guided by US media in how they view the community.

I like to travel to one of the larger Jewish areas in Sydney because it has a nice walking path, and bonus that they have some great bakeries. Store bought bagels (even expensive ones) can’t compete with a fresh bakery made bagel!

Edit: by nobody has interactions, I mean they do. But most people don’t meet people and judge their whole work or friendship on religion. Also because they are not the majority, it’s not a topic on peoples minds.


Sivick314 t1_iv3drth wrote

NGL, i was half expecting it to be kanye


Austin_AD t1_iv3hg3f wrote

"Idenitfied" but whose identity was not immediately released.

Must be someone with severe metal issues or related to someone in power or...god this just keeps pointing towards Ye.


Thatguyxlii t1_iv3jrkd wrote

How many school shooters or mass shooters were disregarded by the police because "we didn't think they were serious."


mattlore t1_iv3m9h7 wrote

This sad sack of shit needs to be named and shamed all over the media. If the police aren't going to do anything at least let the community.


The_Flying_Jew t1_iv3o075 wrote

There's this girl I know who, within the first week of seeing her again after not seeing each other since Elementary school, told me that she harbored a bit of resentment towards black people because she was heavily bullied in that school district (which was predominantly black).

Idk, maybe it's because I didn't stay in that school district after 3rd grade, but I was bullied by the same groups of kids that bullied her and I didn't grow any amount of resentment for black people.

Or, you know, maybe it's cause I'm not a fucking racist. It's really not that hard to not judge people you don't know, idk why it's so hard for others to just mind their business and leave people alone


Many-Advantage-6792 t1_iv3ohyu wrote

I bet the guy is Jewish lmao it’s like that girl who was caught drawing swastikas all over her college campus


TUGrad t1_iv3u3xi wrote

It certainly didn't start w them. Still remember MTG Jewish space lasers comments. The GOP was openly embracing those spreading antisemitic speech long before these two weighed in.


NecroJoe t1_iv3zi5v wrote

"I asked if I could bring my gun into the day care center, and the person behind the counter told me 'I don't think that would be kosher, dude.' I'm being bullied by the Jew!"


Friendofthegarden t1_iv4ku8p wrote

"Maga hats? In Chicago?! Find out where Kanye was last night..." - Dave "I'm fixated on trans folk like a priest to a young boy" Chappelle


Vakoda t1_iv4lr71 wrote

Guess he's synagoing to jail


basisforaday13 t1_iv5147c wrote

This is so wholesome. I love it! I grew up in a small town in MI where I only knew two Jewish families in the whole town. I ended up marrying a Jewish man and I feel so lucky that I get to live partly in that world now.


RockerElvis t1_iv5aov5 wrote

That’s a good point. Don’t name shooters or terrorists because it gives them power. But if it’s a douche that has taken his hood off and is making threats then I am in favor of naming and shaming.


TelephoneFamous2153 t1_iv5hu4h wrote

"efforts" = Donating to a charity, apologizing via social media with a crafted PR statement....yet still believing everything he said or typed that got him into trouble. Happens all the time.


Seance-Fiction t1_ivavxmh wrote

And Charlottesville before that, and Trump reluctantly and slowly declining David Duke’s endorsement. Trump also outlined his definition of what American Jews are supposed to be (basically Israeli citizens).