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pegothejerk t1_iyeq4i4 wrote

And adjacent groups and figureheads, like libertarians, Musk, conservative news outlets, evangelical Christians, etc


tdclark23 t1_iyfclzr wrote

The ones who are "grooming" this activity, the ones we call influencers.


Sabertooth767 t1_iyfameb wrote

>And adjacent groups and figureheads, like libertarians

The Libertarian Party has endorsed same-sex marriage since the year it was created, over 40 years before Obergefell and a mere two years after Stonewall when the LGBT rights movement began. The libertarians are the oldest political allies the LGBT community has, why on earth would you blame them of all people?


disgruntled_pie t1_iyfeni4 wrote

Go to the libertarian subreddit and ask about trans rights. You’ll find plenty of people there who think we don’t deserve rights.


pegothejerk t1_iyfclbc wrote

Oh how times have changed, that party has been taken over by the far right and the top leaders now reject the positive messaging and active acceptance of lgbtq, among other groups. As many of us warned, the libertarian party has always been Hate LITE. Now it’s just open about it.

> The Libertarian Party (LP) faces the departures of two state-level parties as membership dues drop and some donors flee the party over questions about economic stewardship and the party’s turn to far-right messaging, Hatewatch has found through documents and interviews with former LP members.

> The departures came after the Mises Caucus, a group that espouses far-right rhetoric, won near-total control of the party at the LP national convention in Reno, Nevada, in May. Since then, the party has tweeted messaging that aligns with the hard right, including anti-LGBT and pro-secession posts. Prominent Mises Caucus members and state parties have posted in favor of repealing the Civil Rights Act, the 19th Amendment, which enfranchised women, and more. Hatewatch obtained a copy of the Mises Caucus’ “Reno Strategic Action Plan,” which details a plan to win control of the Libertarian National Committee and change planks of the Libertarian Platform to align with their views


RichardCano t1_iyfcguy wrote

Libertarians are real heavy on protecting Free Speech. The term “Free Speech” is now being shouted up and down by rightwing folk whenever they get shut out for to spouting hate speech against LGBTQ, Jews, etc. So it’s easy to mix up actual free speech proponents and the bigoted crybabies we keep hearing about on the news.