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possumallawishes t1_iwnodce wrote

It’s not, not sure why they show zip tie guy, but that’s not who the article is about. His name was Eric and he was from Nashville. He’s much younger too, like in his 20s. Also, not a veteran.. he was an avid airsoft enthusiast though, don’t ask me how I know that.

Edit: here’s a article with a picture of the actual guy the story is about, the goofy helmet guy.


pegothejerk t1_iwnoyze wrote

Zip tie guy is a different guy with implementations meant to kidnap and or kill members of the government during a coup. This guy is the one who said he “found” the flex cuffs. Hence, flex-cuff guy. It gets difficult to keep all those traitors straight considering there were so many.


possumallawishes t1_iwnsi3k wrote

It’s not the guy in the picture. The guy in the picture is zip tie guy.


pegothejerk t1_iwnt5qq wrote

Yes. We went over that. There’s two guys that were famously running around with ties and photographed doing so - zip tie guy and this guy who said he found flex cuffs in the capitol. This is that last guy.


possumallawishes t1_iwntc7t wrote

Look at the picture bro, that’s not who the article is about. The description in the article is not the guy in the picture, the picture is zip tie guy. Trust me.


pegothejerk t1_iwnu1kj wrote

Yes. That has been discussed. Read the article, this is about the other guy who carried flex cuffs and said he found them.

> According to prosecutors, Brock walked around the Senate chamber for eight minutes on January 6, rifling through senators’ desks while wearing a helmet, tactical vest and carrying plastic flex-cuffs he found in the Rotunda that day.


possumallawishes t1_iwnv059 wrote

Yes, I understand that. However, the guy in the picture is known as “zip tie guy” and he’s clearly carrying flexicuffs. So it’s kinda dumb to call Brock flexicuff guy and distinguishing him from zip tie guy, because they both had flexicuffs and one is commonly known as zip tie guy. You’re talking about helmet guy. Flexicuff/zip tie guy is the same person, you’re trying to distinguish Brock as flexicuff guy but literally no one has called him that except you.


pegothejerk t1_iwnv83f wrote

You’re free to call flex cuff guy and zip tie guy whatever you want, I’m not stopping you. Enjoy your day.


possumallawishes t1_iwnvl94 wrote

And you’re free to get pissy about it. Just clarifying since your comment is at the top and it’s misleading when coupled with the picture… especially when he’s literally carrying flexicuffs…. But my mistake, zip tie guy is so clearly a different guy, cause he was carrying <checks notes> flexicuffs.


unevolved_panda t1_iwo25m3 wrote

Non-paywalled option:

Guy is a fucking retired lieutenant colonel. Is it possible to bust someone down to private after they retire?


thefrankyg t1_iwpgegy wrote

He can be recalled to active duty for courts martial.


TommyDaComic t1_iwq1jr6 wrote

Airman Basic is the correct new rank for this guy.

My father retired as a Lt Col in the USAF, I served in Desert Storm…This idiot deserves a lengthy sentence and No pension !


IamSauerKraut t1_iwny7fw wrote

Nashville or Murfreesboro? He the guy who went in with mommy dearest and a bag of black rifle coffee?


possumallawishes t1_iwnygd4 wrote

Yeah… Murfreesboro is a suburb of nashville, I wasn’t being that specific.


IamSauerKraut t1_iwo4xzx wrote

At 160k residents, a damn big suburb.


possumallawishes t1_iwo5okg wrote

Lol, yeah that’s about the size of a suburb. The name describes an area which is not as densely populated as an inner city, yet more densely populated than a rural area in the countryside. You don’t think 160k is a big metropolis do you? It’s 40 minutes from nashville, which is a major metropolitan center.

Literally from Murfreesboro Wikipedia:

>> Today, it is the largest suburb of Nashville…


IamSauerKraut t1_iwo7bb2 wrote

It is what it is.


possumallawishes t1_iwo7loi wrote

Yes, and what it is is a suburb of Nashville.


5zepp t1_iwplnci wrote

You sure come across as self-righteous on a semantic issue that is by no means definitively one way or the other. Sure, consider it a suburb since a lot of people live there and work in nashville. But it's equally valid to not consider it a suburb as is a town that dates back to the 18th century, geographically is quite separate from nashville, arguably is not part of the greater Nashville metropolitan area (though headedthat way), has its own industry and economy and is not completely reliant on Nashville, and is growing much faster than Nashville as it's own city not as a support city. I don't think most people who live in Murfreesboro consider it a suburb. You do, good for you. Words are like that.


possumallawishes t1_iwq32oh wrote

I’m caught up on a semantic issue? Murfreesboro is 25 miles from nashville, when talking about a national headline, it seems pretty fucking standard to call that nashville, but homeboy wants to correct me that it was murfreesboro, and guess what? Every news article I can find says he’s from Nashville.

Why don’t you google “Murfreesboro suburb” and see. It’s commonly referred to as the largest nashville suburb. I’m sorry if you and sauerkraut want to believe that Murfreesboro is it’s own thing with national prominence, the fact is, it isn’t. It’s a suburb, pretty plain and simply. You can certainly believe whatever you want, and you can assume it’s long history or “it’s own economy” make it its own thing, but you’re just wrong and being kinda hard headed. And it’s really irrelelvent to the conversation. I’m not the one diverting the conversation towards semantics, that’s you and sauerkraut, it should have been painfully obvious who I was talking about. Just google “Eric nashville zip tie guy”, it’s not like specifying Murfreesboro adds any specificity that is necessary to distinguish this guy.

But I’m self righteous? You’re over here defending the honor of a town from being called a suburb. That’s just weird.


Equivalent-Bank-5094 t1_iwoxty1 wrote

The Goofy Helmet Guy. Hilarious and once I saw his picture I was like, oh yeah, THAT Goofy fucking Helmet Guy.


possumallawishes t1_iwoy6zh wrote

Lookin like he flew the MASH helicopter to the insurrection. Such a dweeb…


Gold_Talk_732 t1_ix0rfpr wrote

Thanks for finding the right person for the story. I also thought the the guy in the picture was not the guy the story was about.