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ZsMann t1_iy8ap05 wrote

While you aren't wrong, which is the best kind of correct, people are less concerned with climate change than they were with global warming. Studies were done, and climate change was easier to down play in severity than global warming was.


theClumsy1 t1_iy8his1 wrote

>Studies were done, and climate change was easier to down play in severity than global warming was.

Studies? Source?


ZsMann t1_iy8ls17 wrote

In 2002, Republican consultant Frank Luntz wrote a memo arguing that Republicans start using the latter term. “ ‘Climate change’ is less frightening than ‘global warming,’ ” he wrote. “While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge.”

Washing Post Article

I think there's a Cheney documentary that also mentions it with focus groups.


theClumsy1 t1_iy9iali wrote

>Even years before that, international institutions had paved the way for “climate change” to eventually become the prevalent term. The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change was negotiated in 1992, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established in 1988.

I mean...the scientific consensus was using that term prior to the 2002.

Global warming just became the popular choice after congressional testimonials and Al Gore's inconvenient truth came out in 2006.

It wasnt until more recently that we when back to climate change because we are now seeing the effects of it outside of just increasing temperatures. Before it was mostly rising temperatures but we werent seeing historic records being broken every year. Now its europe was on fire, china has a massive increasing desert and Mississippi reaching historics lows in water depth and africa having multi year droughts...etc.


Originalwookie t1_iyb08ej wrote

Yeah but it’s hard to argue for “global warming” to people when it’s -40°.