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Due-Ad-7308 t1_iy78pnd wrote

"Before a man drank coffee, a barista took his money and prepared the cup" - this same journalist probably


SyrousStarr t1_iy7o0wt wrote

You make it sound like it's a normal part of the process. I imagine it's more like the barista warned him that wasn't the coffee line but the janitorial closet, and the guy still drank some industrial cleaner anyway.


Due-Ad-7308 t1_iy7oocn wrote

Being 65 with shattered bones suspended high in the air by the plane you crashed while suffering from hypothermia for 7 hours sounds truly awful


autotelica t1_iy7p65g wrote

I am imagining that air traffic controller is now sipping their tea and going "hmmm hmmm".


jonathanrdt t1_iy89mtd wrote

I like the closing quote:

> Smouse said the incident was “pretty scary” and his house is located in an area where planes and jets often pass through.

> “I think about it a lot, where they come in, and, literally, they are like 200 or 300 feet over us,” he said.

Powerful insight: planes in the air overhead.


Neversoft4long t1_iy8ams5 wrote

This fucking idiot. Sitting around my house on a Sunday off work in darkness because some clown wanted to fly in dense fog.


Obi_Uno t1_iy8an3j wrote

Absolutely amazing that the pilot and passenger survived.


quesupo t1_iy8eph2 wrote

And the airport outdates the vast majority of people who live there. They built suburban sprawl all around it. It’s not some big surprise that there are airplanes at the airport.


dybyj t1_iyae2vb wrote

You can fly in low to no viability with an IFR clearance.

I haven’t taken IFR classes but my guess is he either violated the glide scope via an incorrectly set barometer (either overloaded by what he needed to be done, misheard the ATIS, ATC didn’t give correct barometer reading to use, or just a mistake in setting it), or because he went below the decision altitude to fly the missed approach.

He could have done things he shouldn’t have done, but flying in dense fog is not one of them


derphurr t1_iyaxw0v wrote

Being asshole pilot that doesn't look at instruments and flies into transmission tower cutting power for over 100,000 people, causing accidents, medical deaths, county closing schools...

Yep, who's the bad guy?