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thought_first t1_ivhcd20 wrote

> Christchurch attacker

You killed 51 people. You Nazi saluted the judge at trial. What is a fair punishment in the mind of a madman?


2ndtryagain t1_ivhf3sx wrote

Drop him into a volcano?


Shradow t1_ivhkbte wrote

Ah, the Mishima family tradition.


psycho_candy0 t1_ivhpzkj wrote

I feel like this is going to be underrated but I see what you did there, and I appreciate it.


aDrunkWithAgun t1_ivj4h34 wrote

Isolation in a concrete room with no lights and a small hole to piss and shit in.


TransplantTeacher94 t1_ivhhbus wrote

Knowing these “people,” probably a commendation and a bank holiday.

ETA: in actuality, a very brief, intimate period of facing the fucking wall.


Randall-Flagg22 t1_ivj3ofn wrote

they could always send him back to his homeland here in australia and we'll deal with him no worries mates


No-Cover4205 t1_ivj8mv7 wrote

He’ll go to Super Max at Goulburn and be surrounded by inmates of an Islamic disposition with terrorism charges. Heaps better than a death penalty.


Legitimate_Row6259 t1_ivhm93h wrote

I'd imagine he's thinking a couple hours of community service ought to cover it.


AusToddles t1_ivhmgmd wrote

He's thinking he deserves a reward, not punishment


Legitimate_Row6259 t1_ivhmqgt wrote

You're probably right, so a small correction:

He thinks the community should provide a few hours of service to him.


metalslug123 t1_ivifb24 wrote

Being locked in an overflowing port-a-potty while suffering a massive case of dysentery.


JohnCL55011 t1_ivhddqa wrote

He killed 51 people and is appealing his conviction because he doesn't like the way he's being treated...Yeah, I'm sure they'll just overturn his conviction no prob


meteorprime t1_ivhe23t wrote

Buddy I don’t know what you thought life in prison was going to be like but I suggest you get real fucking used to it.


[deleted] t1_ivhjdh5 wrote



my20cworth t1_ivhcqse wrote

Throw the fucking key away. He wants to have the right to the law, he can play catch up on the murder victims rights to live a long life.


Puzzleheaded_Moose38 t1_ivhgm20 wrote

Willing to bet this is just a desperate attempt to get attention now that he’s realised no one gives a shit about him.


brim017 t1_ivib2x0 wrote

Exactly. Once the psychosis wears off then they seek infamy


Informal_Chipmunk t1_ivhk75n wrote

"Brenton Tarrant pleaded guilty in 2020, but last year signalled via a lawyer that he believed he had received "inhumane and degrading" treatment while in custody. "

Lol get fucked.


008Zulu t1_ivhmmnu wrote

He could only play his prison issued PS3 for 2 hours.


Dewoco t1_ivj7ozf wrote

Please don't repeat the name of the Christchurch attacker, if you would be so kind.


Straight-Corner-1921 t1_ivhooib wrote

If he didn't get inhumane and degrading treatment, I would be concerned more with this.


didsomebodysaymyname t1_ivie5ss wrote

He was 28 when he committed the massacre, he's starting to realize what LWOP means. He's there until he dies. Decades.

The revolution he hoped to start isn't going to materialize. He wasted his life in the worst way possible for nothing.

I think people underestimate LWOP, so you get food and shelter, but is that really living?


total_looser t1_ivj7jc7 wrote

Wasted his life? Who cares. He wasted 51 lives that actually matter


castfarawayz t1_ivhizlq wrote

After he serves 51 consecutive life sentences I think he's entitled to a look at how their treating him, because no matter how poorly it might be, he still gets to be alive.


ComputerStrong9244 t1_ivhignh wrote

Oh, being in prison isn't super-nice?

Gee, that's too bad.


EntertainerNo3007 t1_ivhg274 wrote

Do they have the death penalty? That would be fitting


Prodygist68 t1_ivhjrtg wrote

They abolished it in 1989


angryjukebox t1_ivi920o wrote

Good. Some cases like this would definitely meet the standards, but even 1 person put to death wrongly is too many. People who do stuff like this deserve to suffer long term for their crimes, not take the easy way out.


TrainOfThought6 t1_ivifbd7 wrote

I'm with you. And as an aside, the folks clamoring for torture in here are straight up disgusting people.


Randall-Flagg22 t1_ivj3uwj wrote

also it costs more to do the death penalty. and in my opinion is the 'easy way out' for folks like that. i'd rather see him rot for my entire lifetime in jail


didsomebodysaymyname t1_ivifjvd wrote

Sounds like LWOP is making him pretty miserable. And it's only been a few years.

Imagine him at 80, he's spent 50 years in a cage, he's an old man, he knows every little thing he's missed out on. All the family that may have cared about him are dead. He hasn't had a lover in half a century at least or kids to watch grow up. No having a drink with friends. No going on a vacation, feeling the waves on your feet or seeing something beautiful. No trying something new. No to a lot of things.

The dead don't suffer, only the living.


eosh t1_ivkz7dr wrote

> He hasn't had a lover in half a century

Much much longer. I would wager his whole life.


didsomebodysaymyname t1_ivl2wvt wrote

Haha, I had that thought too, that's why I said "at least."

However, sometimes these guys do have relationships, especially if they aren't incel shooters and this guy was a racist one.

I think the Vegas shooter had a girlfriend.


Suit-Opposite t1_ivxkbby wrote

We don't even have life in prison, this guy is literally the only person ever to be sentenced with it.


commandrix t1_ivi6c8n wrote

Totally his right, but if the attorneys and investigators involved were doing their jobs, this will be a time-waster at most.


Fuzakenaideyo t1_ivid8um wrote

I hope he gets a harsher punishment


brim017 t1_ivhdwm0 wrote

This creature is a good reason to bring back torture as a punishment..


nps2407 t1_ivjyjo9 wrote

There's never reason to bring that back, despite how many may deserve it.


brim017 t1_ivtav06 wrote

28 years old, serving life..average life expectancy 80 odd... 60 years in solitary with guards that would like to spit on you....enjoy this world cunt ..


[deleted] t1_ivhjyjw wrote



traegeryyc t1_ivhkeue wrote

In the US, maybe.

NZ doesnt have "felony" convictions and this was originated by the condemned, not automatically.