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f0rits3lf t1_ixevmo1 wrote

The victim had turned himself in because he was having a mental health episode. He wasn't even a criminal or being charged with anything. And this is what he recieved for seeking to protect himself and the other's around him. Disgusting.


AustonsNostrils t1_ixfpwnz wrote

You could be right, but I gathered that he was already in jail when he had the mental health episode.


clintontg t1_ixg1thg wrote

What if people don't deserve to be beaten even if they do have a mental health episode and aren't harming anyone


AustonsNostrils t1_ixhrhat wrote

I don't understand the question. I didn't say he deserved to be beat up, I was just pointing out that the article says he was already in jail. Very few people deserve to be beat up by the police.


yoloornoglow t1_ixf0hl3 wrote

Curious why he didn’t go to the hospital


way2manychickens t1_ixf2of1 wrote

Unless you have insurance, finding a place to take you in as a mental health patient is slim. You have to qualify for Medicaid (or insurance that covers mental health care), facilities need to have an open bed (which are scarce in some cities and states). I only know this because I took a friend having a mental health crisis to the hospital. Took many hours to find a bed, AND she had to qualify for Medicaid before they'd admit her. It's crazy.

Edit to add: the emergency department at a hospital will take you in to evaluate. But they can't admit an unstable psych patient into their regular patient rooms for a psychiatric issue. It's a danger to the other admitted patients and staff. They can only admit to a hospital with a psych ward (again, most hospitals do not have a psych ward which is why beds are hard to come by). Psych hospitals are set up very different from a standard hospital to protect staff, other patients, and themselves.


Krewtan t1_ixgbuxu wrote

I don't get why you're being down voted. For all the lip service we pay to mental health, people in actual crisis often have 0 available resources. Outside of a police shooting/beating, that is.