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scollaysquare t1_iwnzl1s wrote

This is just so bizarre. Now, days later, they say "watch out!"


Embarrassed_Ant45 t1_iwo1vds wrote

The bloke at the podium said the cops/authorities came to a joint agreement that--based on their experience--the crime scene didn't suggest on ongoing threat to the community.

Which I suspect is PR talk for "we didn't want people to panic, so we crossed our fingers and hoped the knife-wielding maniac wouldn't kill anyone else".


pacific_beach t1_iwo43a0 wrote

Maaaaaaybe they know things that you don't.


TyroneSwoopes t1_iwoomix wrote

Yeah maybe the killer left an anonymous manifesto where he pinky promises not to kill any more ppl. We just don’t know!


AskingAndQuestioning t1_iwops4h wrote

One murder? Sure. Two murders? Ok, maybe? Four murders? Yeah fuck it, it was a simple misunderstanding, everyone go home - make sure your doors are unlocked and windows open!


kciuq1 t1_iwow3so wrote

Maybe they also don't know anything more and are just hoping for the best.


JohnCavil01 t1_iwpufe8 wrote

It’s absurd that anyone is downvoting you for saying this let alone in these numbers while simultaneously anyone who is speculating wildly gets upvotes because “hyuck hyuck police dumb, amirite?”.
