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Darqologist t1_iwqt24s wrote

I believe the non-injured roommates were female. They have been fully cooperative. Stranger things have happened. This is definitely a very odd case. No break-in, nothing was stolen, the door was left open all night. No defense wounds.

As for the noise or lack thereof: Maybe. If people had been out drinking all night (speculation). If the roommates had ear plugs and a sound machine going (speculation).

Autopsy will show where the puncture/lacerations are and can learn a lot from there, depending on where the lethal wounds were it can take a lot of strength and force to puncture through and do it four times in quick succession. A person would be winded and likely covered in blood.


PastTense1 t1_iwtcas5 wrote


Darqologist t1_iwtcw66 wrote

So it’s not completely implausible that:

Known party house.

Roommates may have heard something or commotion, thought it was people coming in and out or another “party.”

Locked their bedroom door and went to sleep. Put earplugs in or noise machine or whatever to drown out the “commotion”.

Woke up next morning to what was found.