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njstein t1_ivkltxh wrote

"Off-duty Cop assaults and kills bystander rendering aid to shooting victim."


STR4NGE t1_ivlqmty wrote

I hated the title before I read the article. Now that I’ve read it, I hate it more. Your title is on the money.


jimbo831 t1_ivm0301 wrote

Typical media headline that only serves to protect police.


Agreeable-Rooster-37 OP t1_ivkgmd8 wrote

"Sansone said Vinyard was helping a man who was shot right by his car while he was waiting for his fiance to come out of Walmart.

“An unidentified man insisted he step away and violently pushed Mr. Vinyard to the ground where he struck his head on the pavement. His fiancé began to render aid to Mr. Vinyard including chest compressions because he had no pulse,” Sansone said.

That’s when Sansone said the man identified himself to the fiance as a police officer with Center Township. Just a few hours later, Vinyard died from his injuries."


wejustsaymanager t1_ivkjacl wrote

So, a guy gets shot. Vinyard is trying to render aid, and is violently pushed hard enough to crack his skull open by what turns out to be a cop, then, the fiance shows up, is now giving aid to Mr Vinyard, while the unidentified cop is just standing there? Who shot who? Why?

Really hoping that giant meteor wins the election.


Megmca t1_ivklzlb wrote

Some other guy shot the first guy and then ran away. Vinyard tried to do cpr but was assaulted by a third man who pushed Vinyard hard enough to crack his skull on the pavement and kill him. Vineyard’s fiancé tried to do cpr on him but was unsuccessful.

The third man apparently spent his time not doing cpr or first aid but telling everyone involved that he is a police officer.


jwhaler17 t1_ivoesnd wrote

Dammit! I didn’t see the meteor on my ballot or I would have voted for it.


420ipblood t1_ivxkaoe wrote

Why does the title say "shooting scene" for a shove?


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ivkjhr4 wrote

Fuck this headline. Even looking at the pure facts, it should read “State police investigate after after officer kills good samaritan that was helping shooting victim”

that’s what happened. the text in the article says that and supports that. Yet news media can’t help themselves and have to be as obscure as they possibly can with their language whenever the truth would paint the police in a bad light.


jimbo831 t1_ivm0dtp wrote

The media will do anything to protect the cops because they fear losing access to the (usually misleading or blatantly false) information those cops provide them about developing stories.


yhwhx t1_ivkmlo2 wrote

Fuck your copaganda headline, WPXI.


Tuned_Out t1_ivkiqxp wrote

Paid leave while they explain away this one and hope the media/local heat dies down. If they let him go I'm sure he will just find an opening in a nearby county.

Immunity to commit murder as per the norm.


umanouski t1_ivm1ytd wrote

This happened 20 minutes from where I live. For fuck sake I used to work at that Wally World.


DilbertHigh t1_ivkn9xo wrote

Dreadful headline. Should read. "State police investigating killing of man providing CPR. The alleged killer is a plainclothes officer that has not been taken into custody."

Article should then be focused on asking police when they expect to catch the killer, asking tough on crime politicians what should be done when the killer is caught. Public advised to stay safe as the killer is loose. Etc.


jetbag513 t1_ivmyf5j wrote

I see a large lawsuit looming in that township's future. You know the fuckwit cop will get out of it with qualified immunity, even though he was probably off duty.


TheAnalogKid68 t1_ivn2rcp wrote

The cops murdered someone else, nothing to see here. Sincerely hope that pig gets exactly what he deserves


420ipblood t1_ivxkbp4 wrote

Why does the title say "shooting scene" for a shove?


EVEOpalDragon t1_ivlo7m6 wrote

“Blood Beaver takes first Victim, state police baffled as to the motive for the most horrific crime to bathe the night in blood, Beaver County Superstore TERRIFIED!”

Fixed it for you.


Ok_Marionberry_9932 t1_ivkyk0h wrote

Well, I mean, that’s what police do. Investigate and stuff. You know look for clues and question witnesses and take careful notes and other crime solving shit.


mces97 t1_ivludwz wrote

Yeah, if I pushed a cop and he died, I'd be charged the next day with manslaughter at the minimum. This investigation doesn't need to take more than 1 day. Anything else is, hey, get your story straight. The man performing CPR pushed you first right? Oh yeah, yeah, that's how it happened Mr. Investigator.

You watch. That's gonna be the defense.