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Clever_Word_Play t1_ivp8xfd wrote

Shit is common in house parties too.

Ladies, don't let others make drinks for you, easy to lace, even easier just to add more alcohol and make it much stronger than you think.


DanYHKim t1_ivpww71 wrote

I understand that ambient sexual violence is a normal, but why go to parties if that is a real possibility?


Clever_Word_Play t1_ivpxoy5 wrote

Young, dumb and want to have fun I guess.

I am a dude, so my chances to get sexually assaulted were substantially lower


DanYHKim t1_ivq4npd wrote

I'm a nerdy Asperger's type, so parties are always uncomfortable.


Clever_Word_Play t1_ivq9vxq wrote

I am a degenerate alcoholic that loves social events, so its my cup of tea...


DanYHKim t1_ivq4oim wrote

I'm a nerdy Asperger's type, so parties are always uncomfortable.