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noodles_the_strong t1_iy4h93t wrote

Sargent: "22 Tonnes of cocaine seized sir, I'm going to go mow a soccer field with scissors now"


Ed_Durr t1_iy4p0ah wrote

“But who’s going to watch over the 14 tonnes of cocaine?”


Dblreppuken t1_iy4uija wrote

14 Tonnes? Wow that's nuts. What are we going to do with 8 Tonnes of cocaines? It's too much to move. Well I guess we'll have to figure something out with these 2 tonnes of cocaine. It's not like 20 lbs of cocaine are going to move themselves


noodles_the_strong t1_iy5hudm wrote

Just a light dusting of cocaine I hear


zaqufant t1_iy5za9v wrote

They lied about that giant cocaine bust. They searched and searched but didn’t find even a fleck.


Nordrian t1_iy4q6bt wrote

It was a nice raid, too bad they had time to sell the drug!


poop_dawg t1_iy4mxkm wrote

It's weird to see stuff like this yet have the cocaine game still going strong in my small city. No bust seems to make a difference. I wonder what it would take to truly disrupt the trade.


ddubyeah t1_iy4w3pv wrote

Cut out the criminal trade and let the state sell it.


Provia100F t1_iy5737g wrote

Criminal trade can undercut the government


NoHalf2998 t1_iy5vyg1 wrote

The reason criminals sell it is because the cost is extremely high due to it being illegal.

If they’re competing on low price they have very little reason to be interested


No_Hana t1_iy5wiad wrote

Except regulation would haunted quality. Something illegal trade doesn't have. So you can undercut by cutting which in return makes a product less potent and potentially dangerous. That said, like with pot, most users switched to dispensaries as soon as they were a thing. The ones that didn't just don't care as much about what they are buying and its unlikely to get pot that's dangerous. Tho the ones selling it may be.

It would absolutely make a huge dent in the illegal trade. Maybe boy get rid of it, but help immensely.


Bonezmahone t1_iyb206m wrote

Can you let me know when you edit your comment to be legible?


egus t1_iy52nca wrote

That much blow is probably several steps away and might simply take some time to effect your village.


MeoowDude t1_iy6v17b wrote

Several “steps” away is likely being very generous.


MGD109 t1_iy4r4f8 wrote

Eh really the market is so big, I think it would take something akin to parts of South America floating off into into the distance.

I'm honestly not sure if even legalising it would make that much difference at this point.


tayroarsmash t1_iy60mpe wrote

You won’t. It’s a pointless fight. The war on drugs makes things worse for people all around. The problems with drugs are 95% because it’s a black market. Adulteration deaths (your fentynal deaths) wouldn’t happen in a regulated market. Violence surrounding it wouldn’t happen in a regulated market. Spread of blood born diseases would be lessened with greater access to needles. People don’t like this but the war on drugs is what makes drug use so damn dangerous.


thevoidhearsyou t1_iy80ojm wrote

The problem is even in a regulated market people will still look for more drugs beyond what is considered safe or allowable.


tayroarsmash t1_iy81qca wrote

I mean we haven’t eliminated OD’s here either. We never will. People’s desire to be intoxicated will always be there and the need will always be met. Education is how you address issues with drug use, not criminalization. We have people hesitant to get help because of the criminal nature of their behavior. Genuinely, what good has come from prohibition? Because it’s not currently theoretical, we’re living it out. Prohibition is currently creating a worse world to live in. I’ve got to ask you, are you planning on going and creating a heroin habit for yourself if it were attainable tomorrow? Is simple access to heroin the barrier between you and just totally being unable to control yourself or is it that you know that would be a bad idea and you wouldn’t engage in that either way? What was more effective in your life in preventing you from sinking to the depths of drug addiction education or prohibition?


Skeletore-full-power t1_iy8x2d9 wrote

> Adulteration deaths (your fentynal deaths) wouldn’t happen in a regulated market.

Are you saying alcohol related deaths wouldn’t happen if they were legal and taxed.


tayroarsmash t1_iy92g5f wrote

No I’m saying that the deaths from alcohol under prohibition were worse than they are currently. Alcohol was dangerous as fuck during prohibition. You had no regulation over it and as a result had no way of telling if what you were drinking was ethanol or methanol. One of those causes blindness pretty quickly.


Letmeaddtothis t1_iya5xqb wrote

No, some people will intentionally drink themselves to death.

However, there will be a whole lot less cases of accidental overdose death.


broblackheim t1_iy5i6ds wrote

30 tonnes barely makes a dent. There is probably another 30 arriving next week somewhere. The war on drugs was lost decades ago.


smokedroaches t1_iy5fmnl wrote

Boooo just let people do their coke.


redander t1_iy5tydu wrote

Maybe the "rats" will eat all of this just like the booze and weed in India. Seriously that is a shit ton to keep track of


trdamateur t1_iy5m8nm wrote

What's the guidelines to move up to Uber cartel or ultra cartel? Asking for a friend


hydros80 t1_iy7kejy wrote

No white xmass for EU



TheDodoBird t1_iy4do1q wrote

Jesus christ! That’s a lot of yay. Gonna be A LOT of mfer’s jonesing hard over the next couple months!

EDIT: For context, the deleted comment below from PlankOfWoood said:

> Stop trying to act hip and call it overdosing.

Thanks grandpa! I'll try not to act "hip" in public anymore! XD


GO2462 t1_iy6dmrj wrote

The best is when a big group of American officers stand in front of a table of 2 guns, a couple pounds of weed, and like 200 dollars.


jens-2420 t1_iy7if6z wrote

And all of it mysteriously eaten by rats (again).


IlIFreneticIlI t1_iy4n0ny wrote

"25 Tonnes you say"?

"Yes, I hear they have to work overtime to burn those 22 tonnes."