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sjfiuauqadfj t1_iwa0vbs wrote

he definitely isnt free from criticism but the election was in june and hes what ontario voted for. obviously not all ontarians support him or his policies but it seems like whatever his policies on healthcare were, thats what voters wanted


adamantyne t1_iwal80b wrote

He won a majority government with 40% of the vote. FPTP is an abomination, and 60% of Ontario's voters said no to him. Don't pretend like this is anything other than Ontario's people suffering from the results of a rigged game.


HelpStatistician t1_iwang1x wrote


It takes 10 mins to vote in most of Ontario.

People asked for this. Every person who didn't vote or voted Con is to blame for this shit show. Period.

Is Ford to blame, sure. But he's the scorpion and the people who didn't vote or voted con are the dumb ass frogs complaining now.


adamantyne t1_iwaot58 wrote

And of those that did vote, the majority didn't want him. FPTP ensured that the 60% of people who voted against Ford went unheard. Voter apathy is a problem brought on by a broken system, not the other way around.


HelpStatistician t1_iwapk69 wrote

No it isn't. The system is broken people who are uninformed fuck-you-got-mine types. If the 60% that didn't vote at all came out and voted NDP or Liberal, he wouldn't be in power anymore, particularly not with a majority.

People wait in line 8 hours to vote for either the shit party or omg-what-is-that party in the USA but people here can't saunter over and check a box? Guess they prefer to wait in ERs for 8 hours with their sick kids instead.


sjfiuauqadfj t1_iwalmeb wrote

im aware that canadians dislike how their system is set up, but liberals and ndp have won in ontario before, and they did that by winning a minority of the vote share as well. its how the game is set up and clearly the opposition parties did not play it effectively and neither did their voters


wylee_one t1_iwcqkhu wrote

first problem is that only 43% of eligible voters actually voted


MustLoveAllCats t1_iwdbnz0 wrote

> Don't pretend like this is anything other than Ontario's people suffering from the results of a rigged game.

The game isn't rigged. 75% of eligible voters did not vote against him. about 74.25% if you want to be more precise, but no vote at all is functionally identical to being content with what the largest group of voters selects. 74.25% of Ontario was given the option to get rid of Ford and said no.

Ford is a corrupt scumbag, jackass, and liar, and all Canadians are worse off for every moment he spends in politics, but given the option to get rid of him, 3 out of 4 people in Ontario said no. That's not a rigged game, that's a lazy, stupid, or uncaring population.