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krisp9751 t1_iwukuy2 wrote

This is sort of an insult to the people that are leaving these terrible jobs. It's more like "you can't get people to stay at one of the most high-stress jobs in existence for pay which is less than a fast food manager."

Competency is hardly an issue when they throw 80 clients at once and you are expected to do work equivalent to spending an hour a week with each client.


Fuzzyphilosopher t1_iwvq0cr wrote

Having a friend who was in the system and another who did DCS work, just typing up the reports, not even having to see the child victims of abuse in person, I can't emphasize enough that some of that shit is traumatic. Maybe it's just hate the world, can't eat or sleep until you can block it out. But that shit piles up.

The helplessness of not being able to do anything to give those hurt and neglected children the kind of life and circumstances that would help them heal or even just close to normal is brutal.


notevenapro t1_iwun04g wrote

Might callnit something different. But people with skills are not going to sit in a job like that for long. They will bounce in under a year because they can get a better job.


Fuzzyphilosopher t1_iwvpvrm wrote

Having a friend who was in the system and another who did DCS work, just typing up the reports, not even having to see the child victims of abuse in person, I can't emphasize enough that some of that shit is traumatic. Maybe it's just hate the world, can't eat or sleep until you can block it out. But that shit piles up.

The helplessness of not being able to do anything to give those hurt and neglected children the kind of life and circumstances that would help them heal or even just close to normal is brutal.


fun-guy-from-yuggoth t1_iwumozx wrote

When the conditions suck so bad, the only social workers applying are gonna be the ones who couldn't get hired at burger king for same pay less stress.
