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Aazadan t1_ixnxwat wrote

Naa. I’m as anti crypto as you can get, and exchanges are still a good deal more sketchy than even the more speculative coins out there.

Exchanges exist primarily to let people bypass blockchain limitations, when it’s those very limitations that are what allow crypto to deliver on any promised benefits. Basically, whether you agree that there are benefits to crypto or not, the benefits of all transactions being on a ledger, security, and so on rely on the blockchain actually being used.

A market where such an idea can prove successful or not can’t exist with exchanges in the picture, and it never could.

That said, a lot of people like them for the convenience. Despite the fact that every single one of them has proven to be a scam.


UsedToBsmart t1_ixojfsb wrote

It’s the circle of life, a scam trading platform for a scam investment.