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Liraal t1_ixpyxlg wrote

I read your comment history for context to this random link and can't say I'm surprised. Posts to CC and collapse, shills random crypto and dismisses criticism as FUD. I did not even need to open the article to predict which way (ancapistan) and how much (very) biased it was going to be.


freeman_joe t1_ixpz69t wrote

What criticism I dismissed as FUD?


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixq1jck wrote

>“Account made few days ago hating on crypto”

You, three days ago, responding to someone voicing criticism you didn’t like hearing. You need therapy bro, not crypto.


freeman_joe t1_ixq8hzq wrote

Yes because out of nowhere there was this account and commented only on nano sub. I had many discussions with people about nano who responded with normal critical points. Not just some random account like this made 3 months ago and mostly commented nano negatively. That is suspicious. And I didn’t dismiss him as FUD.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixq95wc wrote

Sorry, I couldn’t read this comment because I was too distracted by the screeching sound of goalposts being moved.


freeman_joe t1_ixpzdhc wrote

All centralized solutions lead to abuse of power. Simple example of centralization are dictatorships. When one person or small group have all the power they will abuse it. Article I provided shows that it happened with bank same happened with FTX.
