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cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixr8ods wrote

This is all you have left. When folks like you don't understand you demonize. It's textbook.


IsilZha t1_ixr9wrp wrote

Repeating your thought terminating cliches does nothing but tell me you need to terminate all thought and coddle yourself. 🤣

Just keep repeating what the cult told you, honey. Every time you come back with the same vapid lines is a tacit concession that you're too stupid to have this conversation. 🍿


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixrcatf wrote

You mean what you're doing now? The difference is that I proposed the reasons your argument is flawed. (as a reminder, you're conflating exchanges and "crypto", whatever that is).

you, on the other hand, only call me names. Don't raise your voice, raise evidence to support your argument.

Please, i've been waiting.


IsilZha t1_ixre8tk wrote

No, you insisted my argument has been something it never was. You straight up admitted you were making a meaningless strawman. That and pointless semantics games of regulating how crypto is used "isn't RegulaTing Crypto." Really grasping at straws, clown. 😂

The true mark of an intellectually bankrupt coward.

You have offered nothing else. Empty, thought-terminating cliches aren't arguments. It's just you getting off to yourself.

>raise evidence to support your argument.

You mean like FTX collapsing because there were no regulations to ensure they weren't just blowing smoke up everyone's ass, and you attempted to hand wave away with yet another "yOu JusT Don"t UnderStanD!" Not that I expect you to engage honestly. From your opening, vapid cult scripted line, it's clear you're just desperately flailing. Like all cryptovangelist zealots do. And as always, it amuses me.


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixrfmia wrote

nope, you don't get out by changing your mind at the end.

> Getting away from regulations is one of the core tenets of crypto, that its supporters constantly espouse as a positive.

Those are your words so stop gaslighting me.

Now do you want to asnwer my questions about how "crypto" is supposed to be regulated or are you going to keep playing these games like i'm new here.


IsilZha t1_ixrw1wy wrote

I like how you constantly evade actually directly responding to anything and come back with total nonsense.

> nope, you don't get out by changing your mind at the end. > Those are your words so stop gaslighting me.

Was this supposed to mean something, or were you just showing me your lack of literacy? How is this supposed to at all contest what I just said? It's like you have a mission to prove you're even dumber than I thought with every mouth-breather response. 🤣 This is a total non-sequitur. Which is recurring theme: you open your mouth, and nothing but total nonsense flows out.

>Now do you want to asnwer my questions about how "crypto" is supposed to be regulated or are you going to keep playing these games like i'm new here.

I already did. (I tried to link to it, but links are apparently shadowbanned in this sub.) You continually ignoring it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And why is crypto in quotes? Are you so mentally deficient to not understand that crypto is a catch-all term encompassing all of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and anything related? Please tell me you're not that brain dead that you didn't know this.


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixrwg0a wrote

all you’re doing is name calling and dodging the conversation. I’ve already said that tough you forced my hand this time so you call call it circular so you could name call.

got it.


IsilZha t1_ixry69p wrote

See? You're incapable of actually responding. You can't even explain your own nonsensical statements. Whinge some more, baby.

Standard MO for every mindless crypo-drone: repeating empty scripted phrases, look for any excuse to be a victim when caught in your lies and nonsense.

Have some dignity, boy.


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixrzu0o wrote

haha. like i said, name calling is the absolute best you have offer.

i quoted you and asked you how to regulate “crypto” and you gave me an article about banks

when i suggested that banks don’t apply to “crypto” (how could they, crypto is the commodity not the entity). or is it?

what did you mean by crypto?

anyhow, when i mentioned it you got defensive and called me names.

I’ve since been called more names drawn from what i would suggest is a limited vocabulary to start with.


IsilZha t1_ixs1vq1 wrote

> haha. like i said, name calling is the absolute best you have offer.

You only say that because like a dog you're easily distracted and pretend nothing else was said. You desperately latch on to any excuse you can. You're just so weak willed it's super easy to goad you into revealing what's important to you: running away.

> i quoted you and asked you how to regulate “crypto” and you gave me an article about banks > > > > when i suggested that banks don’t apply to “crypto” (how could they, crypto is the commodity not the entity). or is it?

What in the hell are you talking about? I never gave you any article. Must've been one of those imaginary arguments you made up in your head, again.


cachemonet0x0cf6619 t1_ixs4yp1 wrote

you don’t even remember what you’re saying. I’m done.


IsilZha t1_ixs5lp1 wrote

You were done when your opening comment was a abjectly stupid argument you made up yourself to attack.

And who do you think you're fooling with your lies but yourself? lmao

What is the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from the battle. Thanks for your spine, I'll add it to my collection of smooth brained cryptovangelists. 😆

E: lmao, that's the 5th cryptobro to block me this month. So long, loser