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goosewut123 t1_ix17rjy wrote

This is from KH-11. NRO confirmed that this bus is more or less a modified hubble telescope; this was around a decade ago in 2012.

The real crime is watching the wannabe spooks pretend to give a single fuck about our nation's talent keyhole program, but when you look for the discussion by proword - it literally only exists in less than 1% of the public conversation.

>which was previously an anonymous spec in the sky, that took the picture.



GatoNanashi t1_ix7x2vy wrote

The Kh-11 was designed before Hubble. The telescope likely took its basic design from the recon satellite, not the other way around.

That said, large Cassegrain reflectors aren't exactly rare so it may be as much convergent design as actually using the recon satellite as the basis for the telescope.