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NPVT t1_ixaebx1 wrote

Tennessee in case your state or country has Clarkesville


Due-Reading6335 OP t1_ixafed9 wrote

860 new jobs at a starting pay that's higher than most top outs in other clarksville companies


sshwifty t1_ixb5tzx wrote

Are those jobs entry level or expert level? If they can train people, locals will probably start to migrate.


Due-Reading6335 OP t1_ixbbxjl wrote

I think the $24/hr is entry level. 200 of the jobs are $100,000/year minimum


vindictivemonarch t1_ixcn7p7 wrote

highly educated people probably aren't going to give up healthcare like abortion to work here.


iclimbnaked t1_ixcvtkn wrote

Eh. Plenty of college graduates stay in TN.

Don’t get me wrong, our backwards ass gov def is going to drive people away but it’s not going to make it impossible to get educated workers yet.


vindictivemonarch t1_ixqpevp wrote

>Eh. Plenty of college graduates stay in TN.

that was before abortion was made illegal. you're assuming things will remain the same as they were before, like all the republicans did in the midterms.

you're right, not all of them can move away, but the ones you want are moving away. i met several terrible engineers in grad school. they caused a lot of problems.


TotalCompensationFan t1_ixfakf9 wrote

If you want things to change, you have to be the change. Most people hate X or y because they’ve never met X or y. I’ve met plenty of people who lived out in the boonies who thought cities and minorities were dangerous. Two years later they vote Bernie, drive a Toyota and eat tacos from a street vendor.


roo-ster t1_ixawcfb wrote

I took the the last train there and it made a monkey out of me.


PKanuck t1_ixazvyh wrote

I'll meet you at the station.

Spelled Monkee wrong BTW


Akul_Tesla t1_ixam0ob wrote

I always like it when we build new things like this


irked1977 t1_ixd2u1n wrote

Looks like the next Superfund site.


Scr0tat0 t1_ixctfg4 wrote

So it's gonna quit being such a miserable place to stop on the highway to Nashville in, what, a decade or so?


oxslashxo t1_ixd0b3b wrote

Nah. It's literally just a town where foreign companies can operate near tax free and pollute and have access to cheap uneducated labor. Despite 100k+ people the most exciting news is when a new TGIChilliBees opens.


Scr0tat0 t1_ixd0w8s wrote

Bro, I could demolish a plate of chicken-butter-quesa-tato-skins right about now.


umassmza t1_ixcn5x2 wrote

I’m a NIMBY and I wouldn’t want this near me, I’d be worried about the pollution.
