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Traditional-Meat-549 t1_ivz6icd wrote

Seems to me that SOME people cooperate and others strive to dominate. I don't see, looking back at history, that the worst in human nature has been curbed much with the exception of those places that hold them accountable to codified laws. Prove me wrong.

Society began when we agreed upon rules. We had to agree on rules because we needed to curb bad behavior.


RebTilian t1_ivzeqbu wrote

its mostly that like 95% of people just want to do what they want to do, not be bothered doing it, and be comfortable in their day to day lives.

for the other 5%, that means, they either facilitate comfortableness or stand directly in the way, due to their particular want being of a greater importance.

100% Empathy is not an intrinsic trait through and through, it is at least half way learned.


Big_Mac22 t1_ivz7pis wrote

I never denied that rules or laws are necessary. My point is that making it seem like it's just part of human nature to want to rob people of their rights in order to gain power only legitimises it.

That shit is learned behaviour. It doesn't help anyone to pretend it's just how some people always would have been, all that does is justify their position as natural.


Traditional-Meat-549 t1_ivze41y wrote

do you have children?

I ask this because I watched the evolution of this stuff in the interactions with my own kids - the eldest routinely sought to dominate his younger siblings. I submit to you that its behavior that comes naturally to SOME people in SOME circumstances, and unless it is halted and retrained, becomes a way of life. Kids are not naturally "good" or "bad", but they are little scientists who will experiment with behavior until they achieve a desired outcome. Hence, boundaries.


ArenSteele t1_ivzf8z8 wrote

It is human nature to want and need, then to seek to acquire. The method chosen to seek and acquire can vary from “do it alone” to “ask for help” to “force that person to help”

The cooperation/domination dynamic is just the reaction to the nature of wanting (safety, power, comfort, wealth etc)


sweetpeapickle t1_ivzt3la wrote

Unfortunately there are some who are BORN that way. Yes, some evil is born. Just like you will have some who are born to be good in every way. It's the rest of us who end up learning one way or the other.