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MustLoveAllCats t1_ivztsg2 wrote

No, we don't, and that's stupid. Caucasian history is incredibly diverse and varied, and would be absolutely ridiculous to lump together in the same way that Black history month is able to do so. That's not to say that all black people are the same or that black culture lacks diversity, both are not true at all, but Black history in American has been defined by a few specific events that dramatically affected practically all black people in America, and in particular, singled them out, not affecting other groups in the same way. These are largely events of oppression, and while some other groups like Native Americans have relatable pasts, Caucasians in America largely do not.

Also of note:

> Susan Glisson, who as the executive director of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation in Oxford, Miss., regularly witnesses Southerners sorting through their racial vocabulary, said she rarely hears “Caucasian.” “Most of the folks who work in this field know that it’s a completely ridiculous term to assign to whites,” she said. “I think it’s a term of last resort for people who are really uncomfortable talking about race. They use the term that’s going to make them be as distant from it as possible.”