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edingerc t1_iy8zh55 wrote

So the defendant's lawyer argued that a shorter prison sentence and the possibility of getting in their FASD program would alleviate the danger that this guy is going to impulsively violently attack a random person on the street? And the judge bought it?


dr1968 t1_iy9i9zn wrote

The perpetrator has already served 6 years previously and not been rehabbed. Her logic is that without treatment, he will just serve time, get out and offend again.


edingerc t1_iy9ljzy wrote

The primary purpose of prison isn't to rehabilitate. It's a wonderful side effect, if we could accomplish it. Otherwise, they wouldn't imprison sociopaths that are incapable of reform. The primary purpose of prison is to help to keep the public safe. A longer sentence for someone with violent tendencies and impulse control, adds up to safer streets. His victim didn't die because he didn't do a good job cutting his throat; the intention was an impulse murder.


69Jew420 t1_iya39ek wrote

> The primary purpose of prison is to help to keep the public safe.

According to whom?


Shurgosa t1_iya6hel wrote

According to common sense. if people cannot peacefully among other people common sense says you keep them away from the people who can peacefully co-exist. This is not a difficult concept to understand.


justin_quinnn t1_iyafah5 wrote

That doesn't necessarily make it the primary reason, though, and there's been a contested debate on what justice should be focused on for as long as we've had institutions to debate. In the US nowadays, for example, one can make a solid case that the primary purpose of sending people to prison is to make money.


Shurgosa t1_iyambzy wrote

I never meant to suggest that the safety of the public WAS a priority in prison systems because in countless places, if not every single place, it most certainly is not the priority. However. It SHOULD BE the priority.


whitethumbnails t1_iyafoc6 wrote

That's Canada for ya, some guy murdered my friend in cold blood and got 7 years for it, they are just walking around freely these days. My friend didn't know the guy and was murdered for sitting in front of him randomly.