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Jeremycycles t1_iy9nyeg wrote

Ah yes so colonialism made him try to kill someone for no reason


Zac-Hobson t1_iya02bs wrote

I'm not taking a position, I'm just telling you how it is


endosurgery t1_iyaohpy wrote

No, but colonialism helped create a system in which he was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. Should it lead to a lesser sentence? Idk, but he should’ve been getting help for his issues before he attacked people. Colonialism also lead to a system in which indigenous people have less access to these programs historically. So, should it be discussed in his trial? Probably. But, I’m not sure why he can’t have access to appropriate help in jail. I’m sure he is not the only one with this problem in there. It would make more sense to have help and protect the greater community from his violent shenanigans. I’m not in the legal system so I don’t understand the inner workings, but I am dismayed at the light sentence. Just my two cents.


SoloDolo314 t1_iyfd0av wrote

No it shouldn’t be brought up even in the slightest. The man should be held accountable for his decisions.


katieleehaw t1_iye9pb2 wrote

> for no reason

I guess this is the part that is actually in question.