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clementine1864 t1_iybjyif wrote

Sounds like certain people will be getting a free pass on violence .


Prophet_of_Entropy t1_iybqecl wrote

remember the guy from sask who stabbed to death over a dozen people this summer? that what happens when you dont take violent offences seriously and think you can just forgive them cause of their upbringing.


clementine1864 t1_iybvsfn wrote

The legal system needs to decide what purpose it serves and how it does it . If the purpose is to become a tool of social engineering then the victim is of no concern and the public becomes prey with no recourse . The public should confront their government on its lack of concern for its citizens.


Spoonfeedme t1_iydq155 wrote

Harsh sentencing doesn't decrease crime and may in fact increase, all for the low cost of being double to triple what rehabilitation programs cost.


hellomondays t1_iyeopoa wrote

Also see the National Research Council (2014)'s report on the growth of incarceration in the US:

>Nevertheless, the evidence base demonstrates that lengthy prison sentences are ineffective as a crime control measure. Specifically, the incremental deterrent effect of increases in lengthy prison sentences is modest at best. Also, because recidivism rates decline markedly with age and prisoners necessarily age as they serve their prison sentence, lengthy prison sentences are an inefficient approach to preventing crime by incapacitation unless they are specifically targeted at very high-rate or extremely dangerous offenders. For these reasons, statutes mandating lengthy prison sentences cannot be justified on the basis of their effectiveness in preventing crime.