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VyrPlan t1_iw0tdvt wrote

that mural of putin getting slammed by the kid...

*chef kiss* magnifique


[deleted] t1_iw1rn1i wrote

It is these little snippets of beauty that help me process the fucked up place we are as a species.

I hope something this cool happens tomorrow again.


ScienceLivesInsideMe t1_iw80xj7 wrote

It helps to know I'm not the only one feeling like this. Sometimes I feel so fucking alone that I have no one who looks at the world like I do, even though it's super unhealthy and depressing to focus on it so much. But it's just nice knowing other people do the same


Ongo_Gablogian___ t1_iw3j7er wrote

Banksy's official website where they confirm if it is actually their art didn't confirm it. So it isn't real.


Substantial_Ask_9992 t1_iw35uxr wrote

Lol I think the whole thing is unbelievably cringe

Hey sorry for all your loss of life and suffering - here’s some really corny 10 years outdated and now mainstream corporatized street art that will get me a lot of attention and do absolutely fuck all for you. Hope that helps!
