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[deleted] t1_iy81gjh wrote

I don't mind echo chambers existing, both sides are guilty of that. And I'm a centrist mostly, I just find it tiresome going into the comments of the dominant news subreddit and being bombarded by a tide of left wing narratives. I said nothing about "liberals" though, you're projecting that assumption on me just like you assumed I'm a republican.


rederic t1_iy82a6d wrote

This LARP doesn't actually work outside of Political Compass Memes. Nobody falls for it. When you're not wearing the caricature over your head the alt-right shit is just alt-right.


DecelFuelCutZero t1_iy82ah4 wrote

Oh god lads, it’s even worse, he’s an “enlightened centrist.” Fucking hell, you’d be better off being a republican or a fucking pedophile, at least then you’d stand for something instead of being the human equivalent of wet cardboard leaned against a corner and folding in on yourself in your sad sack attempt at straddling some imaginary bullshit line between being a decent human being and a depraved fuckknuckle.

Edit: thank you for the kind words! I do try to make my opinions clear when irked.

Also, our backwards friend apparently left me another nasty gram before deleting their account entirely in their “fair and balanced” cowardice. Good riddance.


timsterri t1_iyag890 wrote

You, my good fellow person, need to be an author if you’re not one already. I would read your works.