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LandLordLovin t1_iwi58hd wrote

Considering the US let’s in MILLIONS of Mexicans and immigrants who fled to Mexico I don’t see that comparison holding up about racial animosity. Maybe your comparison to Iraq is more relevant but there’s no border friction so maybe not.


WexfordHo OP t1_iwi6emi wrote

“Lets” that uh… quite the spin on migrant camps, a “Stay in Mexico” policy, and separating kids from families at the border. All of this because Mexicans, Hondurans, El Salvadorans and others want to flee the economic conditions and violence the US has created over decades with their War on Drugs and coups.

But that’s fine because it’s the US, and not a country with a majority Jewish population. The US can commit war crimes, torture people on camera, still have an offshore torture and detention facility in Cuba, but it’s fine it’s fine. Because it’s the US. When the US responds to a single terror attack with 20 years of war and millions dead and displaced that’s just life. Hypocrites.