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Flymia t1_iy24mij wrote

> just how much of a failure our society has become.

Failing from keeping a virus that is many times more contangious than the FLU or common cold from being endemic is not a failure of socieity.

We basically shut down the world for a few months, and that did not work. It would have had to be a complete martial law, lock down, for months, no flights, no shopping, no school, no work, nothing. Not even take out dinner.

The virus was always coming for us. Lockdowns were just to keep numbers down, and not overwhelm healthcare facilities.

The virus will always be around, and has been becoming less and less severe, hopefully that trend continues.


hatsune_aru t1_iy41dz8 wrote

yeah, in hindsight, i think the lockdown had some pretty good compliance before the vaccine came out, and the lockdown worked pretty decently, and we were able to contain it decently until the vaccine came out.

and the vaccine came out rather rapidly and the sensible people who wanted to get it could get it fairly easily.

I'd dare to say the system worked?