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drmcsinister t1_ixfu57c wrote

That's pretty fucked up. Hard to trust the AP if they are so backhanded in dealing with mistakes.


MyBallsAreOnFir3 t1_ixh8qsn wrote

People have been putting way too much trust in outlets like AP and Reuters. Turns out that the more impartial and trustworthy a news source claims to be and the more alert we should be. It's easy to see the bias of obviously biased news outlets, much harder to see it when it's this subtle and hidden.


89141 t1_ixhem0y wrote

Bullshit! Go watch Fox News then if you don’t want journalism.


C-H-U-D t1_ixi953a wrote

The difference between “reputable” sources is that they at least make attempts at correcting mistakes.

Fox News, Newsmax, etc? They just don’t mention the mistake the next day like it never happened.


Barkasia t1_ixicy0i wrote

If the AP is biased then quite literally everyone is, and bias is no longer a relevant factor outside of the severity of said bias - in which case the AP still come out ahead of the pack.


gizm770o t1_ixhw3dw wrote

What is the APs obvious bias?


bp92009 t1_ixjcvw4 wrote


Which often has a liberal bias, as least to the modern Republican party.


Omnipotent48 t1_ixullgj wrote

I don't know why you got downvoted for demonstrating basic critical thinking. We should always be skeptical of our news sources, especially if we haven't clocked their biases yet.


MyBallsAreOnFir3 t1_ixuw40g wrote

> for demonstrating basic critical thinking

Reddit encourages conformity. Which is why people use words like "circlejerk" and "hivemind" to describe it. Being critical and having your own opinion if highly discouraged here.