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TheDodoBird t1_iyiw0m2 wrote

> there are front page threads with top comments calling for the deaths of anyone who voted republican.

Show me one, just one thread on the front page of Reddit calling for the death of republicans. I will wait patiently, sir.


Bagellord t1_iyizj6h wrote

And where it's been up for a decent period of time, without having been removed. Removal isn't instant, depending on the sub and can take a minute for someone to review.


Its_Nitsua t1_iyjfiij wrote

Maybe that was excessive, but my point is that as a whole reddit tends to view the republican party as one big racist, woman hating, xenophobix zeitgeist.

I know and am friends with republicans who dislike the fact that roe v wade was overturned, but they do not trust the democratic party to put their interests first.

You can say ‘well the republican party doesnt either’ but for them they legitimately think that the republican party aligns with their views more than the democratic party.

Especially on issues like 2A, where they have been hoodwinked into thinking democratic views on gun control involve taking your guns away. You WILL NOT be able to convince them otherwise.

They aren’t evil, or racist simply for voting that way.


caspruce t1_iyjwlw5 wrote

A majority of the Republican party refuse to condemn racists, bigots, anti-semites, neo-nazis or variations there of. Representatives like Gossar and MTG actively support these groups. Your friends don’t have to vote Dem, but they need to stop voting Republican. It is the only way to cure the disease in that party.