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kslusherplantman t1_j1gnqid wrote

Just ask the Dutch how the sea walls are working…


kingofpotatopeople92 t1_j1hsxvx wrote

That's like asking the Thwaites Glacier not to shatter next year. In other words, what difference is it really going to make?


Tar_alcaran t1_j1lkqjx wrote

We're coming up on 70 years with no flooding thanks to the Delta Works, so I'd say there's a pretty big difference.


kingofpotatopeople92 t1_j1m8922 wrote

Well you've been working with centimeters of sea rise. Let's see how it works with meters 70 years early. Good luck ;)


Tar_alcaran t1_j1n61hq wrote

Thats why we're spending over a billion per year, upgrading to the the worst of the current projections instead of the average of the 1990s projections