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lionhart280 t1_j1wys48 wrote

Albertan here.

The really funny part about this bill is it can 100% backfire on the UCP party the moment they lose the upcoming election and the NDP (our left leaning party) gets voted in.

This bill cuts both ways and gives a lot of power to the party, which means the NDP could "abuse it" to force in a bunch of stuff that will quickly close up all the stupid loopholes the conservatives have been abusing, then use the bill to self terminate itself through its own powers.

It's basically handing the NDP party the ultimate uno reverso card, all they have to do is win the election though...

I swear to fucking god if the UCP gets elected again I will prolly consider selling my house and move provinces, I would lose all faith in my fellow albertans.

However from what I have seen even the fairly rooted conservatives have felt like the right wing is poisoned by the UCP over the past few years and have crossed the line towards the left, thats how bad the UCP fucked up.

Even some of my rigorously conservative family members are like "fuck the UCP" so I have a bit of hope lol