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Poverload237 t1_j1ovpan wrote

I'm so sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood your comment. I thought you were saying that the baby hadn't gotten that bad in the time he was kidnapped and that the baby's mom had neglected him, so I am SO SORRY for misreading your comment!!!

100% yes the kidnapper neglected him. I absolutely agree with you there! From what I read on the case, it was around 2-3 days from the time the baby was kidnapped and the time he was found, and because the car was snow-covered from the recent storm coming through, it's a good bet that he had been in that car that entire time.

That poor baby enduring 48+ hours of sub-zero cold temps, no food, and being scared out of his mind breaks my heart 💔


rooftopfilth t1_j1roajm wrote

A gentle and kind exchange on the internet!? Where are we? It’s ok, I wasn’t clear in my initial comment, and I’m here for people defending moms! You have good intentions!