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Ringlovo t1_j14sply wrote

This news is from Finland, but as an American, I absolutely agree.

No one - rich, poor, or otherwise - should have thier tax returns be made publicly accessible.


Tweetydabirdie t1_j14ybwd wrote

Why exactly is that? In Sweden the same a thing applies as in Finland. Its public records. For everyone.

I’m fairly certain it curbs the most excessive cheating by default that way.


Ringlovo t1_j158z1m wrote

In America we have the right to privacy. What you make, donate to charity, pay in taxes, how many deductions you apply for, is - frankly - no one's business but you and the government.


PenguinSunday t1_j15ksk2 wrote

We're the land of Facebook and Twitter, the country that is using social media to track down women getting abortions. The fact that you think we have a right to privacy here is hilarious.


Ringlovo t1_j15q6yw wrote

Facebook and Twitter are private companies. If you think you are being tracked by them, you can stop using them.


PenguinSunday t1_j15siss wrote

Someone wasn't paying attention during the "Cambridge Analytica" debacle. It's not a question of "if" anymore. Period-tracking apps have been outed selling womens' cycle information. Google also tracks you, as does every other provider and appmaker. I haven't had anything but a reddit account for almost a decade now. They also track, but I don't want to quit the internet entirely.

Weird how it's suddenly about their rights to push their product into my face now instead of my right to privacy you were claiming I had earlier.


jschubart t1_j15op67 wrote

The government...which is a public institution. How you spend your money can be private but it is a little ridiculous to say that what you give to the government should remain private.


Ringlovo t1_j15qbpv wrote

Except some information is directly tied to very private information, such as housing, disability, etc.


Potatisk t1_j15z56z wrote this very specific instance. And yet comparing others, it's abusmal. Like my favourite pet peeve of employer having rights to your communications/working with very little notice. We don't remove that privacy in Finland.

And based on experience there's comments on "well, they should have it" or whatever... is that so dissimilar?


jschubart t1_j15og3k wrote

Why the fuck not?


Ringlovo t1_j15qkbi wrote

If you'd like to make your tax returns public, you're free to do so. Open yourself up to public scrutiny if you'd like. For the rest of us, no thanks.


MustLoveAllCats t1_j16btqw wrote

America is set up that way to facilitate oppression of the working class, nothing more. It's not about privacy, it's about making sure you don't know how hard you're getting the shaft compared to the guy you're working with, the guy you're working for, etc., including the fact that many of them are exploiting the system, leeching off your taxes and not paying their fair share.

The brainwashing is real though, that you believe it's about privacy.


Dive30 t1_j17ck0d wrote

It’s all fun and games until they point the cannon at you.


MustLoveAllCats t1_j1amlri wrote

You don't have to worry about that in America, they prefer you alive so you can exist as a wageslave for the corporate elite.


Dive30 t1_j1apf0g wrote

Yeah, as long as you aren’t too squeaky. They have no problem making an example out of the squeaky ones.


jschubart t1_j16k66l wrote

I doubt many would be scrutinizing my standard deduction...

That scrutiny did not seem to be an issue at all in other countries. Why the fuck would it be an issue here?