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Cheapthrills13 t1_j24qmki wrote

Ever heard of the Waffle House Storm Index? Officially assigned name given to them by FEMA during times of national disasters - primarily hurricanes in the south. The Waffle House storm center does their own tracking to try and ensure employee safety but also attempt to be open as a place of refuge and provide meals to first responders when other businesses have shut down. FEMA monitors the WH ability to stay open in the storm ravaged areas to determine how bad the area was hit. If WH open - not too bad (code green) If WH closed - real bad (code red). Code yellow is some damage - limited menu… I’ve also read that WH names some dishes after said storms. I feel like they’ve taken on a humanitarian task in FL and now I try and eat at them to give back. (I target the mid-morning crowd - they’re slightly better behaved and less dust up chances).


Sauteedmushroom2 t1_j24ti9s wrote

I’d call my parents in FL after I moved to check on the Waffle House. There was one about a mile away from their house. If it was still open and on full menu, they’re totally fine. Open and on storm menu, worry a little. Closed? I’m an orphan.