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ntgco t1_j06k1wn wrote


CHEETOFACE TWEETED IT. "It's going to be a wild time"

Anyone who had been paying attention to the previous 4 years of rising neonazi hatred, protests, daily News, violence, hate speech, lies, faux news propaganda.... could have "predicted" it.

Hell the morning of I wrote "let's see how much the GOP believes in law and order"..2 hours later J6 Riot.


somereallyfungi t1_j07emwk wrote

Trump using the word "wild" has always stuck out to me. With his connection to the central park 5 and "wilding", it seems that word might have special meaning


Zakal74 t1_j08wjeg wrote

Here I am thinking to myself, "Why would someone who works for a computer chip maker be involved?"


-RadarRanger- t1_j07fe0y wrote

Know why it happened anyway?

Because it was an inside job.


ThreeHolePunch t1_j0uyzir wrote

And somewhere along the chain of command, someone's boss told them to back off plans to try to stop it.