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WilliamMinorsWords t1_j1lddw7 wrote

What is a "guikter"? Google was no help.


Maria-Stryker t1_j1q2fqw wrote

I’m m guessing it’s a term in the Serial fandom for people convinced that Adnan was rightfully convicted


givemeflac t1_j1lu080 wrote

I wouldn’t say I’m a “guilter”, I never followed the podcast or case except for that I worked at the Best Buy mentioned in the case. Another coworker and I from Geek Squad got curious when it was slow one day during the height of the podcast. We decided to try to track down where the payphone would be since we had people asking about it all the time. We found a few outlet blanker panels at the front exit, we then went to the room that is next to where the outlet panels were mounted, which is the security office, we then found telephone cables running to those blanker panels. We then traced the cables through the drop ceiling over to the telecom room a couple rooms down from the security office, we then found them on the phone line punch down. So there was a pay phone at the front of Best Buy, just that it would have been long removed by the time the podcast was under production.

I believe him to be guilty but he was a minor when he did it and has served over 23yrs in prison. I think thats enough time served for a crime committed when being a minor. Especially since he has a perfect prison record, and has gotten educated while in prison. I wish him the best of luck with his job at the university.


BooTheSpookyGhost t1_j1movne wrote

What do you think about if he were able to drive that route? I can’t remember off the top of my head- either from the school to BB or from that guys house to BB.


givemeflac t1_j1mqtjh wrote

Again I’m not involved in this case other than people coming into the Best Buy asking about a pay phone, then briefly looking up the case. So I assume your talking about Woodlawn High? That’s on the other side of 695. I did that drive all the time to get food on my lunch break from the shopping centers across the street from the school. About a 5 minute drive.


bobloblawslawflog t1_j1ldl6d wrote

Guilter, sorry - the people who believed Adnan guilty and spent a decade lording their supposed superior understanding of the case over everyone.

You know, the losers who were wrong.


WilliamMinorsWords t1_j1ldrxh wrote

Oh. I've never heard of this guy.


bobloblawslawflog t1_j1ldyfk wrote



WilliamMinorsWords t1_j1lenrc wrote

Hard pass. I don't deal with amateur detectives, gossip hounds and fanbois and girls who think they have either guilt or innocence figured out. Makes me ill. These people forget there are real victims and families out there who don't need to see their loved one casually tossed around like this. The speculation is tiresome. Everyone forgets about the victims.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that this is obviously a big case. I'll look into the facts of the case elsewhere, however.


z9nine t1_j1lfnae wrote

There was very good podcast about this called Serial. It's been a few years, but from what I remember it was fairly to sorta neutral. If you want to hear some more about the case.


GeronimoSonjack t1_j1p4xrn wrote

Serial absolutely was not neutral, the host became weirdly obsessed with Syed and fell for his act completely.


z9nine t1_j1pfwos wrote

TBH, I haven't listened to it, or really cared about the people in the case since it aired. But I don't really remember many points in the series, as it aired, that made me stop and think she was not being objective. There were a few points in the last half that I felt that. But, from what I remember, as a whole it wasn't biased in a way I thought it was disingenuous or slanted one way or the other.

But, I have no skin in the game. I have no opinion as to guilt one way or the other. I just enjoyed the pod cast and figured someone else may as well.