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z9nine t1_j1lfnae wrote

There was very good podcast about this called Serial. It's been a few years, but from what I remember it was fairly to sorta neutral. If you want to hear some more about the case.


GeronimoSonjack t1_j1p4xrn wrote

Serial absolutely was not neutral, the host became weirdly obsessed with Syed and fell for his act completely.


z9nine t1_j1pfwos wrote

TBH, I haven't listened to it, or really cared about the people in the case since it aired. But I don't really remember many points in the series, as it aired, that made me stop and think she was not being objective. There were a few points in the last half that I felt that. But, from what I remember, as a whole it wasn't biased in a way I thought it was disingenuous or slanted one way or the other.

But, I have no skin in the game. I have no opinion as to guilt one way or the other. I just enjoyed the pod cast and figured someone else may as well.