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foozballisdevil t1_j1nbt17 wrote

Why didnt Don call her after that night?


Gaius_Octavius_ t1_j1nc25l wrote

Had he been obsessively calling her multiple times per day as well?


foozballisdevil t1_j1ncrdw wrote

I mean they talked a lot, right before Hae went missing... And then he just stopped calling too. And was unable to be contacted by the police for several hours after Hae's disappearance...

But yeah... Adnan is the only possible suspect.

You know the guy who is part of the culture where honor killings happen... And that the police/prosecution used that as part of their motive ... Hmmm...

And his religious roots also hurt him when asking for bail, because he had all these "aiders and abetters" willing to whisk Adnan out of the country...


Gaius_Octavius_ t1_j1nj4x9 wrote

There was never any other circumstantial evidence of him being involved. There was with Adnan.


foozballisdevil t1_j1ofkou wrote

What, the uh, ever-changing testimony of Jay Wilds? And his associate who got her conflicting second-hand information from, heh, Jay...