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md4024 t1_j1pwvte wrote

Yeah, regardless of whether or not he deserved to be convicted, there's almost no chance he wasn't involved with the murder. He clearly had a plan to fake car trouble to get the victim alone after school, he failed to come up with a realistic explanation for where he was and what he was doing during the time period when the murder took place, and he was the only potential suspect who had the motive, means, and opportunity to commit the crime. If Adnan truly had nothing to do with the murder, his accomplice who confessed to helping dispose of the body - no matter how unreliable that accomplice was - would have been taking an enormous risk that Adnan wouldn't be able to come forward with an airtight, provable alibi that exposed the entire story as a lie. Sadly, this seems like a pretty clear case of domestic violence and a teenager who couldn't handle being rejected. I don't think it's a huge tragedy or anything that Adnan was released, but it's also not a case where a clearly innocent person was wrongfully convicted.