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sl8rfan2 t1_iyyxpb7 wrote

that's going to be really annoying. You know those people who like to put their phones on speaker and yell into it for a half hour...yeah, now imagine that on the plane sitting next to you.



limabeantwothree t1_iyz5ghs wrote

Psh, maybe for you this is an issue. For me, I will make it THEIR issue. Moaning sounds, coughs, trying to butt into the conversation, etc. I've been using these tactics to get people to stfu and end the call for years, only the most unruly of Phoenix residents were impervious to them!


westplains1865 t1_iyzof3c wrote

I actually love that idea, especially butting in on the conversation! Make it extremely awkward and pretend like you are part of a 3 way conversation until they get the hint and take it off speaker.


FapMeNot_Alt t1_iz0vuhd wrote

Most people turn a bit red and get the hint, but some will get violently angry that you dared invade their privacy by hearing their loud ass conversation right next to you.


International_Bat_87 t1_iz0joal wrote

I always turn my head slightly and look shocked or gasp out loudly and they always shut it off immediately lol


Range-Shoddy t1_iz2dliy wrote

I get it but I don’t want to listen to that either.


SweetBiscuit t1_iyz21aw wrote

You could already do that for a long time with WiFi calling


Deyln t1_iyza90e wrote

The reason why there were banned was because planes had a frequency vulnerability. So instead of fixing it.... They banned it and left the vulnerability open for hacking.

(And another couple big what the fucks on regards to security )


Bit-Random t1_iyzc612 wrote

That vulnerability was gone for several years now. “Put your phone in flight mode” just remained as a weird relic.


[deleted] t1_iyzmsdn wrote



orus t1_iyzr794 wrote

No one really checks if someone’s phone is in airplane mode. If it were that critical a vulnerability, they would be more serious about it or there would have been hacks already.


cranial_prolapse420 t1_iyzxcnm wrote

...or planes juat falling out of the aky, because someone forgot.


CPargermer t1_iyzy7n4 wrote

This is the thing for me. People that don't speak the language, people that forget, people that don't know how, people that resist authority... There are so many chances for them to not put their phone into airplane mode, yet you never hear of any problems.


Kriztauf t1_iz00p0u wrote

I've got a mental image of a plane starting to fall out of sky and the pilots screaming "SOMEONE FORGOT TO TURN ON AIRPLANE MODE"


BigDisk t1_iz0a8eu wrote

It would also be more effective to just come out and say something to the lines of "Please put your phones in airplane mode, otherwise the constant searching for a signal is gonna kill your battery."


Anneisabitch t1_iz1jt8u wrote

It does save your battery so I use it. But functionally? Pfft. The opening episode of the West Wing in like 1999 joked about how stupid that rule was.


Even-Fix8584 t1_iyzmu9e wrote

I thought they are waiting for the FAA to build a plan and test the n any vulnerabilities exist. I am sure it will happen next 5th of Nevember.


idontagreewitu t1_iz36ygq wrote

Waiting for the US gov't to get something done is an endless effort.


addicuss t1_iyzpvup wrote

That definitely never existed


peacey8 t1_iz0wy5j wrote

I've never put my phone on airplane mode. I always text/browse even as we're a few feet off the ground before I lose signal.


PastaLulz t1_iyzo00a wrote

Im not sure about the rest of you but I don’t get cell phone service 38,000ft up. So I don’t think this will be a big concern


Obi_Uno t1_iz143aw wrote

My understanding is this would allow 5G connectivity via picocells installed in the airplane itself.

I’m not clear on the advantage vs WiFi, since the backhaul would still be via satellite (which is the rate limiter).


GoArray t1_iyztdpu wrote

Maybe if we all still had 2g phones. With 5g tower range is only like a mile or 2. 4g maybe 4 miles (6km).


Obversa t1_iyz0pr7 wrote

Imagine this, but their screaming child is also kicking the back of your seat for most of the entire 8-hour cross-Atlantic flight on your way from the United States to Germany.


iCCup_Spec t1_iyz3c4f wrote

I've never flied first class in my life but I'd imagine the kids sleep well up there.


Halgy t1_iyzv3qj wrote

Rich kids and their parents are famously not entitled or annoying


lensupthere t1_iyzchvf wrote

Kids are kids, it doesn't matter which section they sit in.

I fly first class all the time for work - I also raised two kids. I don't mind kids at all, but some people can be really annoying with their reactions to them. These people are not really first class people.


chantillylace9 t1_iyzlyra wrote

OK, is it just me that I have noticed that nowadays the iPhone is super difficult to hear unless you have it on speaker?

If I just have it up towards my ear like a normal person would, I cannot hear anything!! This started maybe about five years ago, so speaker is the only thing that I can actually hear.


Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_iyzzeq3 wrote

It might be worth talking to your doctor or just seeing an audiologist. The experience you're describing was an early indicator that my grandmother was losing her hearing.


RobtheNavigator t1_iz0a5il wrote

I'm a 26 year old dude with an iPhone who has the same problem. No other indicators that the issue is me and not my phone, and I'm not someone who listens to loud music frequently or goes to concerts.


Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_iz0fmxe wrote

And I use an iPhone and don't have that problem. The only iPhone user I know who does has documented hearing loss. Personal experiences aren't exactly scientific studies or conclusive in any way. It's a possibility. It's not a certainty. Only OP can decide what to do with it.


RobtheNavigator t1_iz0ghis wrote

Never said it was a certainty, just adding my experience to the pile.


International_Bat_87 t1_iz0k0bb wrote

Possibly I remember getting my iPhone X and after three month the sound was absolutely atrocious because I’ve never called only texted since then. I bought an Apple Watch because of it then I never had a problem after I think I was just given a faulty phone. Newest MacBook I have from this year sound = flawless


lensupthere t1_iyzcr8z wrote

This is going to bring back the phone booth (on the plane).

Otherwise people will be hogging the lavatory.


estherstein t1_iz08xmt wrote

Ugh someone on one of my Thanksgiving flights literally did this with a WhatsApp call right behind me the whole time. I asked him to shut up multiple times but he didn't and it's not like I could have taken him in a fight...


gonzo5622 t1_iz10i0k wrote

Agree. Cell phone coverage doesn’t reach that high up so either they’ll need a plan or it will be super super choppy.