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BazilBroketail t1_j0pq4mi wrote

Yeah... this just seems like rich overbearing parents got a plug at CNN. Their statement was weird, "we thank the media for the coverage of Kenny or he never would have seen the reports" or whatever.

Weird all around.


Nervous-Ear-8594 t1_j0qna9m wrote

He even tells them to stop contacting the news. They won’t tell anyone what he said because it’s probably family drama. Probably fell in love there or something happened and he didn’t want them involved. He’s a grown adult, though. And reporting someone missing after just a couple days like this is just dumb, it’s one thing if they always respond to their phone and go to work everyday and suddenly stop, it’s another if you know someone left the country but is scared when you don’t hear from them after a while.


silversatire t1_j0r28f2 wrote

It was more than them just reporting him missing. They had a website in English and French, were having flyers put up, the whole thing.


Formergr OP t1_j0r2m6h wrote

And also criticized French law enforcement for not searching hard enough. Talk about fulfilling all stereotypes of the entitled American. Not helpful, dude.


washington_jefferson t1_j0slurj wrote

> It was more than them just reporting him missing.

In the article it says his fellow classmates were the first to report him missing to the authorities. So, it was not his parents initially.


veggeble t1_j0rkyep wrote

> it’s one thing if they always respond to their phone and go to work everyday and suddenly stop

Isn’t that pretty much what he did? He stopped responding to his phone and suddenly stopped attending classes.


HerpToxic t1_j0txzor wrote

>His fellow students reported him missing on November 29, prompting an investigation.

He's been "missing" for 20 days...that's barely anything.