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HappierShibe t1_j0wxjn3 wrote

He wasn't just on prescribed meds, it sounds like he was on a truly wild cocktail of nueros, including several that are known to cause irrational risk seeking behavior, and dramatically increased susceptibility to gambling addiction.


valiantthorsintern t1_j0x8ql8 wrote

If his meds are lit, you must acquit!


beipphine t1_j0xhepi wrote

You joke, but Intoxication is a defense that is available. The defendant can claim that his compromised mental state prevented him from forming the necessary mens rea. The lawyers could argue that he did not have the specific intent to commit the crimes he has been accused of because he lacked the state of mind necessary.


IANAL and this is not legal advice.


mtarascio t1_j0y1bmi wrote

Not sure why you're being downvoted. It is a legitimate defence.

Unfortunately the cocktail he ended up on was likely shopped around or just acquired illegally in the first place.


Aghast_Cornichon t1_j0zv5u5 wrote

Usually, unintentional intoxication. In my jdx we sentenced a guy to death for a multiple murder and arson that I am sure he really has no memory of because of the handle of vodka he drank first.

There may be a "Ritalin defense" attempt but it's exceptionally difficult to claim involuntary impairment over years of conspiratorial conduct.


[deleted] t1_j0xu0i9 wrote



2SP00KY4ME t1_j0yim7k wrote

Actually, Adderall does the opposite. Sounds like you're just talking out of your butt.


Aghast_Cornichon t1_j0zsjv6 wrote

What's the basis for that reporting ?

If from SBF himself, you should be prepared to be skeptical.


HappierShibe t1_j1512mp wrote

He regularly posted or streamed his workspace/desk, complete with scrips bottles and boxes, with text and dosing clearly legible. It also falls in line with what some of his coworkers and house mates said about him.
A degree of skepticism is definitely warranted, but all of it predates the shit hitting the fan.


Aghast_Cornichon t1_j15jefm wrote

Interesting, thanks !

Not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect is available as an affirmative defense in Federal criminal charges, but probably not in the inevitable civil lawsuits.

I would expect that this sort of argument would be most useful as a mitigating factor in the sentencing calculation.

Get ready for jurors to be dismissed because they have a lazy nephew who takes Ritalin.