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EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j2ckieu wrote

Everything. He was well off. No history of mental illness, no crimes, retired, had a girlfriend. It just doesn’t make sense.


ForgotMyOldLoginInfo t1_j2clcjn wrote

> No history of mental illness


Is it really that crazy that crazy people might be missed until it's too late?


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j2cnqux wrote

Just found an article about it. When this first happened I remember reading about what was known about him and they didn’t have any mental health stuff at the time. I guess we need better mental health care, and mental health education. Seems like this could have been spotted a long time before it happened.


ForgotMyOldLoginInfo t1_j2cpil1 wrote

> Seems like this could have been spotted a long time before it happened.

Sadly, almost every time.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j2dyjuo wrote

I think the failure for the laws to change that permitted the coverage of mental health, was the beginning of the end.

We need support of our citizens that don't have a solid family or foundation. Individuals have more stress on them without recourse or support. And access to that, penalizes them as "mental" label.

There are some I've met, that clearly had physical and physiological issues which would flag, "no, they should own a gun" and yet they do. And not just one. Don't even question them about it, or watch them get furious like some deprivation.

Everyone should have a mental health professional, just as anyone has a general doctor.


TanningTurtle t1_j2ftfof wrote

Wait, you guys all have a general doctor? I haven't had one since I moved over ten years ago.


WestCoastBestCoast01 t1_j2fdz9b wrote

Frankly it doesn’t even have to be some wild mental breakdown. Seems pretty believable that he just went down a conspiracy cult-like path and decided to go on a rampage. Sometimes people are just brainwashed into murderous rage.


Nauin t1_j2edg6f wrote

He loved guns. Of course he's not going to have documentation of mental illness. Those two rarely if ever go hand in hand.

Like I'm friends with a few arms dealers. Ones got a lot of integrity in what he does but is also suffering from depression and anxiety. Can't talk to a doctor to get meds and he can't smoke weed or even CBD products or he'll lose his license. Like it's frustrating because he's able to talk to friends and get some minor support from us but he should be able to get actual professional help without having to lose his entire business.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j2edz9j wrote

Yeah that’s the problem with red flag laws. They have a chilling effect on getting mental health care instead of getting firearms. Cannabis prohibition needs to end asap with all the research we have and evidence of a failed drug war.


Nauin t1_j2evvii wrote

Completely agree. We're critically lacking actual supportive resources for too many people stuck in that position. It extends to veterans, cops, and plenty of other industries


celebrityDick t1_j2enxt8 wrote

> He loved guns. Of course he's not going to have documentation of mental illness. Those two rarely if ever go hand in hand.

> Like I'm friends with a few arms dealers. Ones got a lot of integrity in what he does but is also suffering from depression and anxiety. Can't talk to a doctor to get meds and he can't smoke weed or even CBD products or he'll lose his license. Like it's frustrating because he's able to talk to friends and get some minor support from us but he should be able to get actual professional help without having to lose his entire business.

Another example of gun regulations actually causing the reverse of their purported intent. A lot of American combat vets are in the same boat. If they talk about their ptsd and depression, they lose their gun rights; so they don't talk about it


The_ODB_ t1_j2eimpd wrote

His political views were very similar to many recent terrorists.


EsotericAbstractIdea t1_j2ejdar wrote

Yeah, another poster alerted me to this fact. When it happened, everyone around him seemed mystified like he was just some chill accountant who kept to himself and gambled a lot. Didn't know he was fema death camp proto-maga. I guess the clue should have been he stopped fucking his girlfriend for a whole year.


The_ODB_ t1_j2ep3q3 wrote

The people the media quoted were like cocktail waitresses and starbucks employees whose interaction was handing him drinks while gambling. I don't think he'd been an accountant for like a decade.


keskeskes1066 t1_j2emydg wrote

The typical MAGA domestic terrorist has led a live of privilege, safety, and wealth compared to those whom they usually hate.

They have no objective reasons for their behavior. Yet, their emotional fragility, combined with learned victimhood and hate on social media/Fox pushes them over the edge.
