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Ranger_Hardass t1_j1gfka6 wrote

I grew up in a community next the Ohio turnpike. Unfortunately, there's one or two of these pile ups every winter. People often freely exceed the 70 mph speed limit since there's no cops, only the occasional trooper watching for hazardous driving.


auribus t1_j1go2yb wrote

It's not that common. There hasn't even been snow around Christmas in that area for a few years.


Ranger_Hardass t1_j1gougb wrote

I didn't say it was specific to Christmas. Northern Ohio doesn't start to get into the snowy part of winter until January-February. Most years there isn't much if any snow on the ground at Christmas. I just said that at least one bad pile up happens every winter on the Turnpike.


auribus t1_j1gp9rb wrote

I've lived in the area for most of my life and this is out of the norm. The turnpike is the "safe" route.


Ranger_Hardass t1_j1gqyd1 wrote

You're entitled to your opinion. I avoid the turnpike during winter weather events since I feel unsafe on a major shipping/travel route where other drivers usually speed excessively and where they assume they can drive like it's a sunny day in August. I couldn't recommend going on the turnpike during any type of bad weather.